Thus 8/6, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27
Check out The Beat UPTOWN, a free outdoor concert series, held in Toby’s Plaza, every Thursday for the next four weeks from 6PM – 9PM. In addition to being an awesome chance to hear live music, be sure to take full advantage of the delicious food vendors, cornhole, and the discount night next door at MOCA.
CoolCleveland met up with MOCA‘s Deidre McPherson to get the scoop. McPherson explained that the series is a joint effort between MOCA, Case and the Beachland Ballroom, and is aimed at getting people to enjoy the new UPTOWN neighborhood.
Click Here to Watch the Video.
August 6– Cities + Coasts and Midnight Passenger (Indie Rock and Experimental Pop/Punk)
August 13– Johnny+The Apple Stompers and JP+The Chatfield Boys (Hillbilly Music and Bluegrass)
August 20– The Admirables (Funk/Soul)
August 27– Archie+The Bunkers and Obnox (Punk)