Kent State Film ‘Fire in the Heartland’ Screens @BeachlandCle to Raise Money to Finish


Wed 5/13 @ 7PM

With the 45th anniversary of the Kent State shootings in the rearview mirror (that event occurred May 4), filmmaker Daniel Miller is looking to put the finishing touches on his film Fire in the Heartland: Kent State, May 4th and Student Protest in America, which screened at the Kent Stage just prior to the May 4th events and at the Cleveland International Film Festival.

In the film, Miller, a professor of documentary filmmaking at the University of Oregon and a student at KSU at the time of the shootings, goes beyond the oft-told tale of the National Guard opening fire on protesting students and killing four, including two who had nothing to do with the protests. He sets the events of the day in the larger context of the civil rights movement in campus and how it intertwined with the anti-Vietnam war protests that brought about the shootings.

Funds are needed to do a final edit and to secure music rights. So the film will screen again at the Beachland Ballroom where former SDS activist and one of the film’s associate producers, Akron attorney Bill Whitaker, will be on hand to answer questions.

There’s no set admission price; donations of any size will be gratefully accepted.

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