Spreading the Love of Chamber Music


Sat 4/11 @ 2pm

There’s no doubt that chamber music is to the classical repertoire what playing unplugged is to rock ’n’ roll.

It’s this intimacy and intricacy that the Cleveland Chamber Music Society is hoping to promote with its inaugural Northeast Ohio Youth Chamber Music Competition. The free event takes place Sat 4/11 at the Lyndhurst Community Presbyterian Church.

Five ensembles from four area high schools – Cleveland School of the Arts, St. Joseph Academy, Beachwood High School, and Lyndhurst/South Euclid’s Charles F. Brush High School – will feature some of the region’s more talented young musicians competing for cash prizes.

Created 65 years ago, the Cleveland Chamber Music Society presents seven concerts annually by world famous international artists as well as free concerts featuring exceptional young local musicians.

CoolCleveland talked to Cleveland Chamber Music Society Board Member Dr. Melvin Arnoff, who is the chairperson of the Youth Chamber Music Competition.

CoolCleveland : First of all, what’s the mission behind the Cleveland Chamber Music Society?

Dr. Melvin Arnoff: It is our ambition to spread the love of chamber music. We can do that by bringing in internationally famous groups. And in this case, we’re bringing out the talent that is available locally and focusing on students that have this ability. We’re also forming a second outreach program that reaches into the high schools and draws upon chamber music students.

How unique is it for high schools to have chamber groups?

We surveyed the 88 high schools in Cuyahoga County and identified four for this competition. There two or three other schools that are out there that were not prepared to enter this year. We may encourage other schools to have such programs, which are probably an extracurricular activity.

In your opinion, what are high school students missing not having the opportunity to perform chamber music?

What often happens is kids take music in high school and after that they don’t do anything with it. This way, if they have the skill or practice in doing ensemble in smaller groups, they can do this as they used to in the 17th and 18th centuries in homes. One of the things we’re also doing is trying to draw in the general public to realize that chamber music is out there and is very entertaining. We’re looking for a good size audience to attend the Youth Chamber Music Competition.

Tell us about other programs sponsored by the Cleveland Chamber Music Society.

We have an outreach program where we are in conjunction with the Cleveland Institute of Music. They identify an outstanding chamber music group that performs for the schools in the Cleveland area. Our object is to bring children into music.

It’s funny, one would expect an outer-ring high school to offer chamber music but the Cleveland Municipal School District’s School of the Arts is leading the way.

Yes, the Cleveland School for the Arts is presenting two ensembles. The only school presenting two. One of them is a flute ensemble and the other is a trumpet quartet.

Finally, what is it about chamber music that you enjoy so much?

I’m a pianist, and as a pianist I enjoy participating in chamber music. It’s the joy working with fellow musicians to bring out the glory of the music. To listen to a chamber music ensemble and to hear how they bring out the beauty of a piece of music is exciting.

Cleveland Chamber Music Society’s free Youth Chamber Music Competition takes place at 2 p.m. April 11 at the Lyndhurst Community Presbyterian Church, 5312 Mayfield Road.

[Photo: Kim Yanoshik]







Freelance writer John Benson spends most of his time writing for various papers throughout Northeast Ohio.

When he’s not writing about music or entertainment, he can be found coaching his two boys in basketball, football and baseball or watching movies with his lovely wife, Maria. John also occasionally writes for CoolCleveland.com.







Lyndhurst, OH 44124


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