KIDS: What’s a Bike-a-Palooza? @ShopGeigers @YourHomeTownCF

Chagrin bikes

Sat 5/16 @ noon-4:00pm

Biking season is upon us. Gear up your kids with some smart biking tips, and proper safety guidelines by attending the Chagrin Falls Bike-a-Palooza on Philomethian Street. Hosted by the Chagrin Falls Police Department and Safe Routes Chagrin, this fun event will feature helmet fitting, bike registration with the police department and safety skill training.

Kids in Kindergarden through Sixth Grade are encouraged to participate, and there will even be a bike tune-up station provided by Geiger’s. Additionally, check out the bike rodeo, where participants can learn skills like stopping, scanning, signaling turns and practice on a series of courses.

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