Thu 4/2 @ 5 – 7:430PM
Global Cleveland and JumpStart are teaming up to offer a set of unique talent attraction workshops. The goal is to attract new, diverse talent that will support the growth of start-up companies. The workshops will run concurrently from 5:00 to 6:30, and will target employers (entrepreneurs/start-ups looking for new employees and mentors) and talent (jobseekers, mentors, advisors and board members).
“This event is unique by focusing on bringing in diverse, talented individuals to facilitate connections with entrepreneurs, and to help startups get connected with potential new hires, board members or advisors,” says Jessica Whale, Talent Connection Coordinator at Global Cleveland. “80% of the attendees will be women, minorities, (of African American or Hispanic descent) or foreign-born participants.”
So essentially JumpStart is bringing entrepreneurs to the table and Global Cleveland is bringing in diverse talent to the table. The event will literally split JumpStart’s conference room in half for the workshops. After the workshopping portion, attendees will be brought together for networking.
To facilitate matching, following the workshops Global Cleveland will offer an opportunity for a structured, intentional networking session (6:30 to 7:30), during which entrepreneurs and talent can connect based on needs, skills and interests.
Workshop for Talent Features:
“The Entrepreneurial Environment” – Jeremy Quinn, JumpStart
“Working in a Startup” – Luis Cartagena,
“Positioning yourself to be attractive to a startup” – Jennifer Thomas, Jennifer Thomas Advisors
Workshop for Entrepreneurs Features:
“Economic Imperative of Hiring a Diverse Workforce” – Richey Piiparinen, CSU Center for Population Dynamics
“Hiring Practices and Obstacles in the Real World” – James Talton, Synergy Consulting
“Example of a Hiring Plan and Lessons Learned” – Michelle Brown, CoverMyMeds
Parking is free and available in front of the building. Register for this free event by clicking here. Be sure to do it soon to reserve your spot!
One Response to “.@JumpStartInc & @GlobalCleveland: Connecting Entrepreneurs to New Talent”
Doug Vahey
Can I ask how many developers/designers intend to attend? Thank you