Green Up

From the World Wide Vegan Baker Sale at Zagara’s to Green Up Cleveland’s flagship beautification effort in the Stockyards, to the earthy Ramp Up Peninsula, your opportunities to go green this week are endless. Help out by attending Fascinating Rhythms at the Music Settlement, the Bowl-A-Thon for women’s health at Mahall’s, and a benefit evening of trans films at Waterloo Arts. Commemorate the 45th anniversary of May 4, the 30th anniversary of the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra at the Hanna, and the grand opening of Valerie Grossman’s BRICK.
Big congrats to Matt Fish for winning SBA’s Small Businessman of the Year for Ohio. He’s been a great friend and partner to CoolCleveland and a huge asset to our community. Shall we meet at MELT for lunch? If you or someone you know is looking for a killer internship, CoolCleveland is looking for you. It’s time to step up, Cleveland. –Thomas Mulready

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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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SPONSORED: Messing Around with Birds (For Fun and Science) Naturalist and author Scott Weidensaul presents a lighthearted exploration of his avian research and explains how anyone with enthusiasm and time can make important contributions to the science and conservation of birds. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History hosts Weidensaul as part of its Explorer Series. Fri 5/1 @ 7:00pm CMNH.org

With women’s reproductive rights increasingly under attack across the country, the work of Preterm is more important than ever, assisting lower-income women in navigating the hurdles being thrown in the way of getting the care they need. Come to the Bowl-A-Thon for women’s health at Madison Square Lanes and have fun while helping out. Thu 4/30.

May 4 is a significant day at Kent State University — the day that, 45 years ago, National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar protestors and killed four students. Among the multiple events commemorating that day is a screening at the Kent Stage of Fire in the Heartlands by documentary filmmaker Daniel Miller who was a student at KSU in 1970. The band Half Cleveland, featuring former Tin Huey members one of whom was also a student then, will also play on Fri 5/1.

The Music Settlement makes music accessible to people of all backgrounds. Its gala benefit Fascinating Rhythms will showcase some of its students while raising money to provide scholarships for its students who have been accepted into Berklee College’s prestigious summer program. It’s on Sat 5/2.

Trash is the sign of a neglected neighborhood that’s hard for residents to care about. That’s what Green Up Cleveland was formed last year to address. It’s kicking off its first annual clean-up event in the Stockyards neighborhood on Sat 5/2, and it’s hoping to attract more volunteers and add more neighborhoods as it grows.
SPONSORED: Sundays@six will get you ready for Monday@Nine! Come to the Old Stone Church Sundays @ 6:00pm for a service of praise and worship to get you ready for the coming week. We are lively, casual and open to everyone. Join us as we explore, experience and celebrate the presence of God in our lives and in the world. www.OldStoneChurch.org

Cleveland used to be strictly a steak-and-hamburgers-and-kielbasa kind of town, but now it’s not just vegetarian-friendly but vegan-friendly as well. And even non-vegans might be surprised if they dropped by Cleveland’s World Wide Vegan Baker Sale at Zagara’s Sun 5/3 at how tasty a vegan treat can be. It’s not all about tofu and brown rice.

With the tragic suicides of young trans people in the news, awareness has grown of the struggles for acceptance they face. In conjunction with its current exhibit of art by and about transgendered individuals showing through 5/25, Waterloo Arts is hosting a screening of two films that depict the journeys of two trans children to embracing their true selves. Fri 5/1.

And They’re Playing Back-to-Back
Your butt might fall asleep and your brain may melt but your sides will split open from laughter at the Cedar Lee Theatre’s first annual 12 HOURS OF TERRIBLE all-night bad movie marathon happening Sat 5/2 from 6:00pm to 6:00am.
The line-up includes these so bad they’re awesome flicks “Over the Top,” “Miami Connection,” “Plan 9 from Outer Space,” “Drive Angry 3D,” “The Baby,” “The Happening,” and “Masters of the Universe.” The brave souls that survive the entire marathon will get a $5 dollar refund as Cleveland Cinemas’ way of an apology.

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SPONSORED: Check Out The Kent Stage With major acts like The BoDeans, Dailey & Vincent, Fire In The Heartland Film & Half Cleveland, Ekoostik Hookah, and Dr. John & The Nite Trippers, Jeff Daniels and the Ben Daniels Band, Greg Brown, and The Kent Stage Folk Festival featuring Jeff Austin Band, The Stray Birds, Richard Thompson, Todd Rundgren, and Keb Mo, all at the acoustically superior Kent Stage in 2015. Get your tickets now for TheKentStage.com.

Olathia’s Chris Emig won her status as the most prominent woman in Cleveland metal during her seven years fronting Cellbound. Now Olathia — not even a year old — is releasing its debut album and, with the topnotch musicians she’s got behind her, they’ve hit the ground running. They’ll share the new release at shows at the Maple Grove and the Akron Empire Sat 5/2.
* Cle Jazz Orchestra celebrates 30 Years at the Hanna. Sat 5/2.
Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

Ramps are the first new crop you’ll see in farmers markets in the spring. A member of the onion family, it shares a warm, pungent taste and aroma with its cousin. Learn more — and do some tasting — at Ramp Up Peninsula, a festival devoted to all things ramps. Sat 4/25.
Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland are all about helping you achieve, preserve and sustain the American Dream of home ownership. And they know that sometimes you need help.
* Save My Home on Wed 4/29: NHS in conjunction with the GO Movement of MEGA Church is hosting a Save-My-Home event to help individuals and families get back on track with homeownership and avoid foreclosure! Please bring copies of key documents. See more here.
* Identity Theft + Annuities on Thu 4/30 Hear from speakers on avoiding identity theft and annuities. Get more details here.

WED 4/29
Party of Five’s theme song “Closer to Free” by the Bodeans will no doubt be a highlight when they step onto the Kent Stage with legendary drummer Kenny Aronoff.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/29

THU 4/30
Jazz meets funk meets hip hop when Huntertones play BluJazz Akron.
Click here for more events on Thu 4/30

FRI 5/1
Young Bay area bluegrass band Front Country comes to Happy Days Lodge.
Click here for more events on Fri 5/1

SAT 5/2
Join artists Lorin Naji and Grace Summamen as they collect trash at Euclid Beach to turn into art at workshops later in the month. The pieces will be on display and for sale at Waterloo Arts Gallery during the Waterloo Arts Fest 6/27.
Click here for more events on Sat 5/2

SUN 5/3
Young talent is showcased as the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra performs at Severance Hall.
Click here for more events on Sun 5/3

MON 5/4
The 45th anniversary of the Kent State shootings is a time for reflection on campus and beyond. A commemoration event, featuring keynote speaker Dick Gregory, takes place on the main campus at noon and a theater production based on oral history recollections of that time will be performed at the KSU Tuscarawas campus.
Click here for more events on Mon 5/4

TUE 5/5
Former Clevelander Marc Cohn hit it big with “Walking in Memphis” in 1991, launching his career. He’ll be back home to perform at Trinity Cathedral as part of its Cathedral Concert series.
Click here for more events on Tue 5/5

WED 5/6
The Cleveland Play House’s annual New Ground Theatre Festival is eagerly anticipated by adventurous theatergoers open to something new. It features new work, including the latest by Cleveland Heights playwright Eric Coble. It runs through 5/16.
Click here for more events on Wed 5/6
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
It’s been over five months since Cleveland cop Tim Loehmann gunned down 12-year-old Tamir Rice in a split second in a west side playground on November 22 of 2014. Five months. Yet, on Sunday, April 26…
* Tiptoeing Through The Tulips I’m a devout pacifist, and always have been one. So, while I, on a personal level, abhor the violent uprising taking place in Baltimore, I’m afraid history appears to be set to repeat itself…
Read other stories from Mansfield Frazier here
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DANCE REVIEW: Wendy Whelan Restless Creature at PlayhouseSquare
VIDEOS: CoolCleveland Visits AXPONA Audio Con 2015
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Getting greener all the time,
–Thomas Mulready
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