Mon 3/30 @ 6PM
GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in our food sources are a hot button in conversations and something all of us should be more educated about.
Yet, it’s a fairly new issue and it can sometimes be overwhelming to sort through the information, so many people don’t know where to begin to when it comes to educating themselves. That’s why TownHall, an incredibly socially and community conscious business, has partnered with the Mustard Seed Market, a market that’s been supporting organic and non-GMO initiatives for many years, to educate people on the topic of GMOs.
“We are dedicated to wellness at TownHall,” says Kayla Barnes, Social Media Director. “Providing organic and non-GMO fare has not been an easy task, but we know that it is the right thing to do. We want to treat our customers like we would our best friends and family, and for us that means making it easy for them to lead the happiest and healthiest life possible. And, we are very happy to bring the Mustard Seed into these conversations.”
The seminars are free and open to the public. “Anyone that is interested in GMOs, health or wellness in general should come to these seminars,” Kayla explains. “We promise to make them interesting, and take the time to answer any questions. Knowledge is power and we think it’s very important to understand what you are eating and how it effects your body, mind and overall well-being. We also will speak about how GMOs are negatively affecting our environment.”
The non-GMO discussions are broken down into 3 segments so you can join in even if you haven’t done much research or don’t have much knowledge prior to the discussion. The first talk in the series will be basic information and by the third discussion there will be more in-depth talks. Series one is Monday, March 30th @ 6PM and series two is Monday April 27th. Stay tuned to TownHall or Mustard Seed’s website and Facebook pages for details regarding the 3rd discussion. Although the series is free, you must register at EventBrite or email INFO@TOWNHALLOHIOCITY.COM to reserve your seat.