Manufacturing, step aside. Cleveland, though historically based in a manufacturing economy, is becoming a hotbed of high-skilled workers.
A new report released by the The Center for Population Dynamics at the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University called “A Newer Geography of Jobs: Where Workers with Advanced Degrees Are Concentrating the Fastest,” shows that, from 2005 to 2013, the Cleveland metro ranked 5th in the nation in the growth of percentage of workers with an advanced degree. Greater Cleveland now ranks 10th in the nation with 17% of its labor force with a graduate or professional degree, moving up from 22nd place in 2005.
The report suggests Greater Cleveland is “part of a next generation of second-tier metros entering into the upper echelon of the knowledge economy, but warns [there] is significant progress that needs to be made in Greater Cleveland.”
[Photo: PechaKucha by Elisa Vietri]