Just weeks after being named to the Inc. 500 list of the fastest growing companies for the third year in a row, we grabbed Content Marketing Institute founder Joe Pulizzi on the floor of the new Cleveland Convention Center as he marshaled over 2500 attendees and hundreds of brand-name companies to their Content Marketing World mega-conference on the future of marketing. View our video here.
What is content marketing, and why is it taking over the world of business? Who are the big names, locally and internationally that are offering sessions this week? And just where did Joe take the 1500 early arrivals on their first night in the fabulous Shan-gri-la that is our fair city?
Watch the video and find out. And if you see Joe this week, wear orange.
One Response to “VIDEO: Joe Pulizzi Welcomes Content Marketing World Back To Cleveland”
WhAT? APING infamous MS Mr.Balmer and HIS jumping aroujnd like a mad man jumping jack in HIS ‘televised conferences’ but YOU HAD this HALLOWEEN 3 pc PUMPKIN ORANGE dragsuit on?! NICE orange shoes by way…probably easiest thing to find…I know companies make a splash all the time but WOW…Hey…SOMEONE lost a bet …Give You a A for effort,guts and all that… CAN imagine tailors reaction….Ohh Okkkk …Hey….