Good news, guys: bolstr is a Kickstarter success!

Good news, men: bolstr is a go. The locally-designed small carry bag for men has been successfully funded on Kikstarter.

Says designer and Highland Heights resident Jay Yoo:

I received this email from Kickstarter the moment my project was successfully funded and took a few moments to let things sink in a bit.  What an entirely humbling experience this has been…  While the pledging part of this project is complete, I know there is a lot more work that needs to be done, so I am not ready to celebrate.

My manufacturer and I are diligently working on the production aspects of the project and cannot wait to get you your bolstr.  In the next week you can expect to receive an official survey requesting your final color and hand option preferences, and I will be sure to provide updates regularly.

I am terribly grateful to Kickstarter, all the folks who helped me pull this project together, and most of all to you, the awesome Backers, who made the bolstr legit!

Now it’s time to make bolstr a reality…

One, big, heartfelt thank you!

Read our interview with Yoo here.


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