Fri 8/8
”’Of course an all-fiber optic broadband network”’ could enrich a municipality, and now, you have the ability to bring it to your neck of the woods. OneCommunity’s Big Gig Challenge will fund up to 25% of total project costs (up to a total of $2 million) for building networks that connect community anchor institutions, government facilities and business districts.
”’Have fun with the application!”’ “The challenge is for them [applicants] to get creative and explore and articulate the potential opportunities and relationships that are available utilizing our Gigabit connectivity,” said OneCommunity’s CEO Lev Gonick.
One Response to “Jumpstart Your Network with @OneCommunity’s Challenge Grant”
FIRST! Let me get this straight…Wifi out the tailpipe,cheap telcoms,libraries,universities,colleges with THEIR networks,etc.etc. I KNOW trying to tap ‘creative crew’&/or give THAT perception BUT…. BE careful! WENT throu H with COUNTY CORRUPTION mess and fallout from building owners TRYING to use ANY an angle to save THEIR gigs with MIXED results…. quite frankly SOME of it is LESS then ideal and or little hope… if SOMEONE offers up a tear down option,burn down or parking lot offer..TAKE it… TAKE A REAL hard look at OUR area…NOW..EDUCATION stuff OUT THE TAILPIPE, gov programs,etc.and STILL this lackluster mayhem W T H W T F ‘moments’…. CALL Me a D bag but HEY… ALL people see is this cross eyed circuses doing gosh only knows WHAT as parade down Colgate,W.48 and other well HEY ANYWAYS whatever…. guess gotta have SOME place for the freak and SOME bodies for the census,etc. TRY peddling all THAT to voters,other…. or TRYING to obtain grants, a EXTREMELY crowded field… GOOD luck with crowdfunding thing…. SUSPECT YOUR best friends are CPD, CFD, rehab,coroner,Landbanks,expat out,nursing homes,military,etc.