E-mail: dhoffman6419@roadrunner.com
Website: WatersEdgeOnline.com
Phone: 440-967-9480
Cottages at the Water’s Edge, in Vermilion, Ohio. The cottage by the lake is America’s classic summer getaway…
UPDATE: Cottages at the Water’s Edge has vintage cottages open this coming weekend, 9/26 – 28, the last of the season. The weather is going to be awesome! The Wollybear Festival is on Sunday! The rates are 20% off! So come and spend a fabulous weekend on Lake Erie in Vermilion, just 40 minutes from Cleveland! Call Therese at 440-967-9480.
Step back in time and stay in one of the few remaining vintage cottages on Lake Erie. Beautiful pristine beach. Just a 45 minute ride from Cleveland and minutes to Cedar Point and ferries to the Lake Erie Islands.
One of our favorite sayings is “How beautiful it is to do nothing, and rest afterwards.” And just look at that SUNRISE! So pack up a few things and step into the past in a vintage cottage in Vermilion, just a short trip from the Cleveland area.