Local Singer/Pianist Tim Moon Unveils Debut CD @Mahalls20Lanes

Sat 5/31 @ 9PM

Cleveland pianist/vocalist Tim Moon’s bio says he’s influenced by Elton John and Freddy Mercury, and boy, is he ever! His octave-leaping vocals are extravagant and show-stopping, and his songs seems to come from another time when songwriter/performers weren’t afraid to wear their hearts on their sleeves — lit up in neon and strewn with glittery images.

Moon’s formed a four-piece band featuring mostly musicians from outside this area, who help him interpret his thematic set of tunes which he says tells a coming-of-age story.

With his self-titled debut recorded and set to release, Moon’s ready to share it with the world. He’ll do so at a release party at Mahall’s.

Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door.



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