The Cleveland Seed Bank is leading the way for those gardeners and farmers who want to cut ties with commercial seed providers that are reducing crop diversity. In response, it’s promoting the concepts of seed saving and seed sharing. Its broader goal, as part of the Cleveland-based Hummingbird Project, is to rebuild our ecological system to be healthier and more sustainable.
The group maintains an online seed exchange where farmers and gardeners can post and trade seeds, and seed libraries through the Cleveland Public Library.
The Lorain Branch of the Cleveland Public Library is where it’s holding its first ever members meeting, so people can learn about the group and its plans, meet other seed savers, learn how to save seeds, and even do a bit of volunteer work. From 3-4pm, the group will sort and package seeds for distribution to the CPL seed libraries. From 4-5 pm, there’ll be a program on seed saving, and from 5-6pm, there’ll be a members meeting where people can give input, share ideas and find out about how they can contribute to the effort.
The program is free and so is becoming a member. Go to the website and sign up.