Vacancy No Vacancy
Waterloo defies it’s connotation and continues surging with Vacancy No Vacancy, an international exploration of decay & renewal. Dancing Wheels keeps rocking and rolling, and entrepreneurs belly up F2F. Arabella has channeled her health issues into beauty, a trick we can all learn from artists.
Sip a brew and ride the rails through one beautiful National Park, with a discount code below. Hug a tree at Holden, and check out images of the local music scene at Space:ROCK. The kids might like Toad-ally Awesome Amphibians at the Metroparks, and writers & readers will love Books, Nooks & Nibbles.
Follow us on Instagram or Twitter and earn a chance for free publicity for your favorite upcoming event. Win a priceless Cool Cleveland t-shirt by downloading the mobile. Better check in while we still have rooms. –Thomas Mulready
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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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Sometimes inspiration comes from strange places. For Cleveland-based painter Arabella Proffer, her ongoing health issues have inspired beautiful, powerful works examining medical superstitions (and their repercussions) throughout history. Her own traumatic experiences have become her muse…
More from Josh Usmani here
Finalizing your 2014/15 online advertising budgets? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
SPONSORED: Need a Strong Woman? Susan Graham, the versatile vocalist Gramophone Magazine called “America’s favorite mezzo,” performs music spanning five centuriesall of it showcasing strong women through history and literature. Part of Oberlin College & Conservatory’s Artist Recital Series, Graham and pianist Bradley Moore visit historic Finney Chapel in the heart of Oberlin at 4PM on Sun 4/6. Tickets and more info: Oberlin.edu
It’s no secret that we love our local businesses. Our city’s young, energetic entrepreneurs are the backbone of our local and regional economy.
This Mon 4/7, The Northeast Ohio Entrepreneur Expo will feature a full day of information, advising and networking opportunities @ the Cleveland Museum of Art…
More from Josh Usmani here
SPONSORED: #LUVCAK? Well, we love you and we want to prove it. Southwest Airlines is giving away $100 vouchers every day for those who sign up for Rapid Rewards at www.LUVCAK! Support low fares on Southwest at Akron-Canton by entering today. Warning: you can only win if you enter.
Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: The youngest artist and only current CIM student to appear in their signature Mixon Hall Masters Series, Daniil Trifonov takes CIM’s Kulas Hall stage for another unprecedented debut, performing a benefit concert for the music conservatory that helped shape him into a composer/virtuoso. For tickets, call 216.795.3211 or visit CIM.edu
They’re Rockin’ and Rollin’. Cool Cleveland correspondent Marty Bielat made his way down to the Dancing Wheels studio in the Masonic on Euclid, and asked Mary Verdi-Fletcher a couple of questions about their two upcoming events: the “Daring to be Dumbo” documentary, and their Rock That Rolls celebration. Fletcher explained the documentary, Daring to be Dumbo, is an anti-bullying piece narrated by Al Roker, which will be airing on Channel 3 Sat 4/5 at 7PM.
In addition to the documentary, Fletcher also gave Cool Cleveland a heads-up on their Annual Benefit, The Rock that Rolls being held at Public Hall. The dance showcase will take place Fri 4/11 at 6:30PM and will feature music from world famous Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees like The Temptations, R.E.M., Madonna, Ray Charles & Alice Cooper.
SPONSORED: How To Criticize Rabbi Joseph Telushkin’s Award-winning book Words That Hurt, Words That Heal teaches how and when to criticize, how to keep disagreements from becoming disasters, and the one technique that will prevent you, even when angry, from destroying relationships with words. Rabbi Telushkin brings his words of wisdom to Cleveland Public Library’s Writers and Readers Series, Thu 4/3, Main Library, CPL.org
Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here
SPONSORED: Tinariwen, Desert Rose Band, Peter Wolf & Dave Mason at The Kent Stage Straight from the Sahara, Tinariwen go beyond the cliches on Wed 4/2; Featuring Chris Hillman, Desert Rose Band- Acoustic bring their award winning sound on Fri 4/4; One of the most accurate spiritual mediums working today, James Van Praagh says death is an illusion on Sun 4/6; Spend An Evening With Peter Wolf on Fri 5/2; Get caught in Dave Mason’s Traffic Jam on Sat 5/3; Details: TheKentStage.com
#HugATreeForHolden. Join in on The Holden Arboretum’s newest social media campaign in celebration of Arbor Day: Hug a Tree for Holden. In preparation for their Arbor Day festivities, Sun 4/27 – Tue 4/29, Holden is asking tree lovers to post photos of themselves hugging trees on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #HugATreeForHolden.
If you’re camera shy thats fine too, just head on over to Holden for their annual Arbor Day festival. Help promote tree planting and care by participating at the festival’s tree-seedling planting ceremony, in addition to the other tree-centric activities being held throughout the week.
We’ll see you there! Be sure to follow Cool Cleveland for more news on the Holden Arboretum’s Arbor Day Festival, and other fun spring activities. Have fun, you guys!
SPONSORED: Hope for the City, Old Stone Church’s annual leadership series concludes on Wed 4/9 with Diana Balmori, founder of Balmori Associates, a landscape and urban design firm based in New York City. Diana is recognized worldwide for designing sustainable master plans, waterfront parks, public spaces and gardens. Register at OldStoneChurch.org.
Follow CoolCleveland on Instagram and send us your photos. When sharing send your instagrams to instagram@coolcleveland.com. We’ll include your username in the description of the photo, so you can become internet famous.
Show us how you see Cleveland. Include photos of the city, pictures of delicious Cleveland food, photos of fun events, and anything else you think we would share. Happy hunting!
SPONSORED: Taste great wine in a cool venue and enjoy amazing food catered by Nature’s Bin – all to support Cornucopia’s job training programs for people with disabilities. Cornucopia Uncorked! takes place Thu 4/10 at SmARTspace at 78th Street. Bring the winning wine to this competitive wine tasting and win cases to take home! Tickets & Info online at Cornucopia-uncorked.com.
Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events
SPONSORED: Spring is in Lake County Yes, we have separate winery tours with progressive dinners and a variety of conservation events, but we also have one that includes both! 50 Shades of Color features wine, steak, and colorful gardening tips. Mmmm… Caribbean mixed vegetables. How better to bring in warmer weather? LakeVisit.com
Melt Doggy Style Month 4 different interpretations of classic hot dogs over 4 weeks! Base Hit 4/1-6; 2 Bagger 4/7-13; Red Hot Triple 4/14-20; Home Run 4/21-30. Bread Pudding: Chocolate Coconut Bread Pudding. Beer Feature: Bells Oberon. Drink Feature: The Falcon Punch.
Matt Fish has been invited to appear on The Today Show on Fri 4/11 at 9:45AM to celebrate April as National Grilled Cheese Month. Matt says he will “show the entire world that the best grilled cheese comes out of the best city in the nation: Cleveland, Ohio!” MeltBarAndGrilled.com
SPONSORED: Rock the CATWALK, a benefit fashion show hosted by United Way’s Womens Leadership Council, features men’s and women’s styles from local boutiques. Show will have a shopping village and silent auction. New for 2014 is The Afterglow the after party featuring a DJ, food and drinks. VIP tickets are available. UnitedWayCleveland.org
Do we think there’s a resurgence of independent bookstores? We hope so!
What’s better than wandering through racks of books, finding a gem, and sitting down in a comfortable chair to read it? Its even better when coffee, tea, juice, and hot cocoa are complimentary and nibbles are always available.
Such was the dream that became a reality at Books, Nooks & Nibbles…
More from Claudia Taller here
SPONSORED: Love, Birds and Changing Climate The Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s next Explorer Series features Dr. Kimberly Sue Bostwick of Cornell University. She will share her personal response to the climate crisis as a parent and ornithologist, outlining a plan that bird-lovers can use to respond and enrich their own lives on Fri 4/11 at 7PM. CMNH.org
The Mini Maker Faire was bigger and better than ever this year with over 100 makers all showcasing fun technology/making based projects. The Cleveland Public Library was jam packed with so many makers, that you didnt even know where to start. Luckily, Cool Cleveland correspondent Marty Bielat caught Artistic Director of the faire, James Krouse, as he was making his rounds, and asked him a few questions.
In addition to sponsoring the Maker Faire, Ingenuity Cleveland also hosts the regions largest Technology/Arts festival: Ingenuity Fest. When asked about the location and date of this years festival, Krouse gave Cool Cleveland an unofficial statement about both the festival’s date and location.
We are so excited! Be sure to follow Cool Cleveland for more news on the Ingenuity Cleveland and everything else happening in the 216. Thanks again James Krouse for your time and energy!
SPONSORED: JazzFest Pop-Up @ Mahall’s Come hear bassist Christian McBride play and host a jazz listening hang with the Jazz House Kids at 8PM Thu 4/10 at Mahall’s in Lakewood. Tri-C.edu
Jim Walters downloaded the Cool Cleveland app here & this week we selected him as the thirteenth winner of our new Cool Cleveland T-shirt. And he’s thrilled:
“Keep up the good work!” Walters attended our Beatles Vinyl Listening Party last week and loved it. “I was pleased to be able to attend the Cool Cleveland BWBeatles event last Wednesday. It was an excellent, entertaining and very informative program. I LOVE living in a ‘college town.'”
Get the app here & win the T-shirt that can’t be bought, just earned. See all of the past T-shirt winners here.
SPONSORED: See what happens when local teens are hired to create and inspired to succeed. Watch a creative theatre performance, hear original beats & raps, buy fabulous sewn creations, and see photographs of Cleveland on Tu 4/8 at 5:30PM at the Halle Building, 1228 Euclid, free & open to the public. The Center for Arts-Inspired Learning’s ArtWorks Culminating Event will even inspire you! ArtWorks
View a dozen clips of the BWBeatles as they perform their note-perfect performance of The Beatles’ While Album, complete with dance interpretation of Revolution 9.
A full year of transcription, arranging and rehearsal culminated in standing-room only crowds last weekend at Baldwin Wallace University. Next year, they repeat the 4-LP cycle starting with Abbey Road.
SPONSORED: “A Great Day in Cleveland” photo shoot at Palace Theatre on Wed 4/9 at 11AM-1PM. Jazz musicians and jazz industry movers/shakers assemble for a photo that celebrates the wonder of the Northeast Ohio scene even as it alludes to the 1958 Art Kane photo, “A Great Day in Harlem.” Jazz musicians and the like can sign up here.
WED 4/2
Get inspired at Old Stone Church’s Hope for the City Lenten Leadership Series. Spend your lunch hour listening to Lee Fisher, CEO of CEOs for Cities, discussing city economic success.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/2
THU 4/3
Draw Nigh: Approaching Death in a Culture of Immortality is the first in a series of special lectures @ MOCA. Brandy Schillace of the Dittrick Museum will reinterpret artwork from the perspective of 18th & 19th century death rituals & objectification.
Click here for more events on Thu 4/3
FRI 4/4
Vacancy/No Vacancy is an artistic exploration of decay & renewal. Over 100 artists from 22 states & Canada delve into concepts of vacancy (or no vacancy) @ Waterloo Arts.
Click here for more events on Fri 4/4
SAT 4/5
Find fresh, local comedy at New Cleveland Comedy 2, featuring the stylings of Shawn Showtime, Delonte Hawkins & John Bruton @ the Grog Shop. Cle’s full of hilarious ppl.
Click here for more events on Sat 4/5
SPONSORED: Dancing Wheels on TV! Daring to be Dumbo: The Documentary is a 30-min. documentary tells the story of (5) individuals who were subjected to bullying but took action in their lives to make their world one of acceptance and love. The doc, narrated by Al Roker, will air on TV 3 on Sat 4/5 at 7PM and is supported by Cuyahoga Arts & Culture. DancingWheels.org
SUN 4/6
Thirsty for Art? Have some drinks @ Fat Head’s & support the annual Berea Arts Fest. This beer tasting fundraiser includes drinks, munchies, an art raffle & special surprises.
Click here for more events on Sun 4/6
MON 4/7
The Julie Ruin, Kathleen Hanna’s latest band, plays the Beachland. Pioneer of the so-called ’90s Riot Grrrl movement, Hanna & her Brooklyn-based band released its first album Run Fast last fall.
Click here for more events on Mon 4/7
TUE 4/8
The Prague-based Pavel Haas Quartet, named after an early 20th-century Czech composer whose three string quartets they’ve recorded, is relatively young as respected, internationally touring chamber ensembles go. Find them in Shaker Hts.
Click here for more events on Tue 4/8
WED 4/9
John Jorgenson is one of those musicians whose range seems limitless. Known primarily as a guitar player, he’s also proficient in various other instruments including mandolin, pedal steel, upright bass, bouzouki and even instruments that don’t have strings. His Quintet will play Nighttown.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/9
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
In the Dark was probably one of the most interesting visual displays happening at the festival that day, and thats what drew Cool Cleveland correspondent Marty Bielat to the show. The fashion show/technology program blurred the lines between chic and science by introducing wearable technology. We got the inside scoop on the smart dresses from CIA student Leah Yochman and CWRUs Ray Krajci, and boy was it fascinating.
After we got done with the fashion, we met up with Rovars Mel McGee and Shana Mysko for a follow up interview to see how everything turned out at the faire. Earlier this year we interviewed Rovar and they told us all about the technology they were going to introduce at the Mini Maker Faire, so we had to see it in action. Skeletor and Zoey Bot were both out & it was amazing to witness them in action.
We had so much fun! Be sure to follow Cool Cleveland for more news on the Ingenuity Cleveland, Rovar, CIA and CWRU. Thank you again everyone for taking the time to speak with us, we’ll see you soon.
With the grand jury finally winding up its proceedings in regards to blame placement for the 137 shot debacle in which two unarmed individuals were killed by Cleveland police officers well over a year ago, the department is about to again be thrust into the spotlight…
Read this story and others from Mansfield Frazier here
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From Coventry to Canton, Ohio City to Oberlin, Youngstown to Waterloo, PlayhouseSquare to Highland Square, from the Lake Erie Islands to Lake & Ashtabula counties… if there’s cool stuff happening, it’ll be on your mobile device.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.
I see a lot of resumes. Not just client resumes, but also, those of friends, family members, students and fellow alumni.
There are a lot of opinions on how these should look and the big trend these days is adding the visual components, such as company logos, that mirror what LinkedIn is enabling…
More from Alex Sukhoy here
Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
REVIEW: Clybourne Park @ the Allen – Real Estate & a Time Machine by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
DURSTIN: Based on Self-Interest, I’m Voting for Sin Tax
I understand the point of view, but you could have written the same exact article with the same conclusions without coming off so self-righteous and demeaning….
Alex Vandehoff
I think I just heard Roldo’s head explode….
Mr. Durstin, you should consider that for people less fortunate than you are, it could be more difficult to abstain from alcohol, cigarettes, or whatever else might make life seem more bearable….
Peter Pattakos
Oh, Larry! Tell me it ain’t so… As much as I love you, I know the plight I the billionaire owners is not in alignment with your populist beliefs!….
Ron Copfer
Who cares about a struggling town with a shrinking population of people with a shrinking incomes and a crumbling infrastructure, right?….
Judy TheFoodie
Tips For Living Car-Free In Downtown Cleveland
Thanks for sharing these great tips Joe, hope this helps grow the car free contingent in Cleveland, beacue the more of you there are, the more public transit and cycling options we can support….
Marie Kittredge
Great column. Its important that the media is readily aware Cleveland can function well as a residential “car-free” environment…
This article really made me smile. I really loved the “But where do you grocery shop?” question, as it is something I have been asked many, many times. I have only been in Cleveland for a year, having grown up in Vancouver, Canada, and I continue to be shocked at how many Clevelanders consider a car a fundamental necessity and anyone without one is to be pitied…
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog
Big thanks to our writers: Roy Berko, Marty Bielat, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Anastasia Pantsios, Alex Sukhoy, Claudia Taller, Josh Usmani & Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Pretty vacant,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
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