Sat 4/26 @ 7PM
Kendall Embrescia (@kendazzle) chats with Director of Thriving Communities, Jim Rokakis, about their upcoming first EverUrban event at the Ariel International Center on Sat 4/26.
Learn about the work that our local, yet nationally renowned Western Reserve Land Conservancy and Thriving Communities Institute do to conserve, preserve and revitalize all sorts of urban, agricultural, rural and other valuable places and beautiful spaces within our region. And, also learn how you can get involved!
This inaugural EverUrban event is an important philanthropic celebration marking the collective successes of the inspiring and hardworking group of people bringing vibrancy to our neighborhoods where we work, play and live. Come out and mingle with great people, eat delicious food, hear fabulous music and support the awesome efforts and work these organizations are doing in our region to create cleaner, safer and more vibrant neighborhoods.
Tickets are $150 per person or $500 for a VIP ticket. Get your tickets here or by calling 440.528.4162.
Western Reserve Land Conservancy
5 Responses to “Thriving Communities Institute Hosts First EverUrban Benefit @WRLandConservan”
LETS HOPE HE is right…lets HOPE that $50 MILLION CUYAHOGA COUNTY DEMOLITION fund money comes thru toooo…. salvage what can and forget rest. I HATE to see some of the good craftsmanship go BUT TAKE a REAL hard look at city,realize the reality of ALL kinds POLITICAL and OTHERWISE and be thankful HAVE this option….NO idea what school reform to rest will bring BUT …..
Mr.Rokakis found His niche,doing some good,earned decent honorable salary and lets all call it a day….
AND IN LIGHT OF JIMMY DIMORA DEBACLE GLAD FINALLY SOME GOOD STUFF being proposed, DONE…. far as Mr.R above…HE ESCAPED H of a mess…. one can go round n round forever on the PAST and to a POINT I CAN UNDERSTAND WHY CURRENT administration was less then thrilled to have much if any contact with said…who I thought did decent job.
NO idea ULTIMATE affect of all this hipster urban hipchic wannabe Yuppiestuff to rest of it is gonna affect area &/or economy…
FINALLY the INTERESTS got theirs aka hotel,convention ctr,casino,etc.etc.while rest adjust to new realities,economy,etc. BE THANKFUL…QUIETS that crew….
SOME will be able to hobbble cash,loans,tools,materials,etc.together and buyup some $20K rentawreck and fix it up…. WE still have a circa 1960 or ’70 or ’80 mindset and JUST not gonna get around that…LIMITS…WHOEVER can salvage whutever and make a go of it…KUDOES to them….
DIMORA is gonna SURFACE forever…NO idea EXACT whutever far as His CaliLand move BUT….HE put self INTO ALL THAT far as ‘medical’….PROBABLY still wont ‘roll over’ on folks…COULD go ON and ON with ALL THAT and conjecture…BE ‘fun’ slogging thru trial records….SUSPECT HE gets time HALVED or reduced to like 19 yrs when LOT worse types come along AND ONLY so much room…BY that time a moot issue… THE ‘timing’ of ALL THAT is ‘interesting’ CONSIDERING the date and well HEY certain entities who didnt ‘win’ the brassring on a certain convention gig but what do WE know…..I THINK intersts made THEIR highwater mark with all these projects and gonna roll with it…..qutie FRANKLY THEY got THEIRS and cant pic FUTURE or NEAR future politicos wanting to go ANYWHERE NEAR OF THAT again….
I NOTICED LOT of politicos fled,BURNT out,retired,etc. I WONDER WHY….. ROKAKIS said IT HIMSELF….ahhh NOOooo I’m NOT….far as any politico runs…..SURE FEELS like it when dealing with WHOEVER on LOT of projects,properties….