Fri 3/28 @ 12:15 & 5pm
This Friday, The Reinberger Galleries at Cleveland Institute of Art open two new exhibitions. The Accident: New Works by Nicky Nodjourmi features paintings and ink drawings on paper by the New York-based artist. This work focuses on both ancient and contemporary events in Iran.
Dinner by Design – Art of the Table is an exhibition of new work by CIA students working in glass, clay, metals and other media. The show features flatware, vessels, dinnerware and more. However, this work is about more than utility. The students use these objects to explore our daily rituals.
Nojourmi will speak as part of CIA’s Lunch on Fridays free, public lecture series. At 5pm, he will be interviewed in the gallery by CIA’s Gallery Director, Bruce Checefsky. The opening reception for both exhibitions will follow from 6-8pm. On Tue 4/22 at 7:30pm, CIA will host their annual runway show through the lobby and gallery. This annual show is organized by students in the Fashion Jewelry Accessories course.