Kinsman Dazz Band Old-School Funk to @BeachlandBallroom

Sat 2/22 @ 8:30PM

Back in the day — “the day” being the ’70s — the Kinsman Dazz Band made some of the most danceable music around Cleveland. Later, as the Dazz Band in the early ’80s, they made people dance all over America with funky R&B hits like “Joystick” and “Let It Whip.”

The group petered out by the late ’80s, although founding member Bobby Harris has continued on playing the group’s hits on the oldies circuit.

But a few years ago, another core early member guitarist Michael Calhoun got the itch to hear the old songs performed by a full band again. He assembled some of the old members and some new musicians to form the Kinsman Dazz Band, which recaptures the big sound the band originally had.

They’ll be funking it up at the Beachland Ballroom. Robert Johnson Jr, who calls himself “The Line Dance King of Cleveland,” will be on hand to make sure butts don’t stay on chairs.

Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door.


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