@ClevePlayHouse Show Tells Story of Pioneer Black Classical Singer

Fri 2/14-Sun 3/9

The story of African-American classical vocalist Marian Anderson is widely known, in part due to the refusal of the Daughters of the American Revolution’s to allow her to perform in their Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. in 1939 and her subsequent integrated, open-air performance to 75,000 at the Lincoln Memorial.

Her slightly older contemporary Roland Hayes is less well known, although he preceded her in blazing a trail for black singers in the classical concert world and encountered the same roadblocks, denial of opportunities to perform, and openly dismissive reviews based on his race.

Like Anderson, Hayes began singing gospel but it soon became apparently that his talent was too big to be contained in the church. And like Anderson, he died at a ripe old age (89), old enough to have seen the world move from a time when many kids like himself had parents who had been slaves to the post-Civil Rights Movement era, and old enough to have seen his accomplishments honored and celebrated.

His amazing story is the subject of Breath and Imagination, which opens at the Cleveland Play House’s Allen Theatre on February 14 and runs through March 9.

The play, mostly carried by the figure of Hayes, with two additional performers, was written by Daniel Beaty, himself an African-American musician with a degree in music from Yale.

That all-important central role will be played and sung by Cleveland native Elijah Rock, whose own life and opportunities offer a contrast to Hayes’. He’s a University School graduate who was part of the Cleveland Institute of Music’s Young Artist program, the Cleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus, and the Cleveland Opera Children’s Chorus. Now based in Los Angeles, the actor, dancer, and singer of jazz, classical, pop and gospel music has a resume packed with film appearances, stage roles, concerts and recordings.

Tickets are $45-$72.

On Mon 2/17, playwright Daniel Beaty will do a talk and a Q&A and sign books. That event is free, but you must RSVP at InsideCPH@clevelandplayhouse.com.









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