Fri 1/10 @ 6pm
By Josh Usmani
It’s no secret that Superman was created right here in Cleveland. However, the idea of the “Ubermensch” or “over man” was the brainchild of Friedrich Nietzsche in 1883. While there is no clear consensus on a specific definition, over a dozen local artists will explore the concept this weekend at Doubting Thomas gallery in Tremont.
Ubermensch: A Collection of Super Art is curated by local artist Chelsie Michelle Barile. She explains the show’s theme: “Everyday we aspire to better ourselves, whether it is to love more, learn more, paint more, seek more. When we succeed to be positive, kind, heroic, we become Ubermensch. Everyone can be super!”
“So, the concept is Ubermensch — Nietzsche’s concept for an ‘over man’ who overcomes the herd perspective and is capable of creating a new perspective without dogmatically forcing his perspective on others,” says participating artist Bryon Miller (who also owns Waterloo’s Gallery 160). “I think I approached this concept pretty straight forward. Except I think the Ubermensch is somewhat of a hidden individual in our society. Almost as if his opposite is heralded as the ‘Superman,’ and he goes left unseen; somewhat distorted in the background of society. Like an underdog that seeks no recognition.”
Adds local artist Mark Thomas, “I always thought Nietzsche’s idea of the übermensch to be a very interesting view point on what could become of the individual and or the human race.
“I did a series of self portraits to depict that anyone has the potential to be the ‘over man’ if they would let go of herd type behavior. I am looking forward to see what my fellow artists’ take on the idea is. I hope there aren’t too many works with Superman in them.”
Indeed, this show is about much more than Superman fan art. This exhibition explores human potential through creative expression. These artists individually and collectively examine the infinite potential laying dormant, often restless, within each and every one of us. The opening reception is part of January’s Tremont Art Walk. Be sure to stop by Doubting Thomas, and allow these local artists to inspire you to reach for your full potential.
Participating artists include Nina Amore, Chelsie Michelle Barile, Justin Brennan, Daniel Coate, Brittany Dobish, Terrence P Dziak, Becky Gammon, Holly Masterson, Bryon Miller, Lori Olive, Eric Ortiz, Jackk Rae Paisley, Stephanie Pasek, Nicholas Sabo, John Saile, Mark William Smith, Mark Thomas, Douglas Max Utter and more.
Josh Usmani is a 27 year old local artist, curator and writer. Since 2008, his work has been featured in over 50 local and regional exhibitions.