Learn About the Dangers of Water Fluoridation @MustardSeedMrkt

Tue 1/28 @ 6pm
Wed 1/29 @ 6pm

Water fluoridation is one of the classic “conspiracy theories” – except it’s not a “theory” – it’s science.  Stop by the Montrose Mustard Seed Tue 1/28 (or the Solon branch the following evening) for an informative lecture presented by Dr. Ronald Greinke, PhD.

Learn how the first mass water fluoridation program was implemented by the Nazis in their concentration camps.  Do you think they were worried about their prisoners’ teeth?  Ironically, most of Europe has banned water fluoridation in recent years.  Studies have shown that moderate amounts can cause a lowering of IQ, weakening of bones and calcification of organs and glands – including your brain’s pineal gland, believed by many ancient civilizations to be your connection to higher consciousness.

While small amounts of natural fluoride provide positive health effects, sodium fluoride is an industrial waste product of aluminum smelting.  Sodium fluoride is the only active ingredient in both toothpaste and rat poison.  There’s a warning label on toothpaste advising to call poison control if we swallow more than a thimble full, yet it’s in just about every beverage and we’re told to drink at least 8 glasses of fluoridated water a day.

Something doesn’t add up. Get the full story at Mustard Seed this week.

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