What Should Happen at the Corner of W. 117th & Clifton?


Check out this Cool Cleveland exclusive interview with City Beautiful’s Gregory Soltis on the renovations taking place on the corner of W. 117th St. and Clifton Blvd. Soltis, one of the lead designers for the project, told us all about his organization’s vision, and how to become more involved with the project.

Get involved! Make sure you attend the meeting happening Wed 11/6 at 6pm at Louisa May Alcott Elementary School in order to discuss the redevelopment of the site with the city leaders. Let your voice be heard and make a difference in your community.

Neighbors in Action

City Beautiful

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3 Responses to “What Should Happen at the Corner of W. 117th & Clifton?”

  1. AFTER DIMORA,RUSSO and other horrors can FORGET ANY public $…..try a NGO nonprofit…MAY luck out cuz in a good area BUT still… TIME to hit up likes of outfits that did OLD Goodyear Bldg… MAY force OTHER MORE questionable bldgs. to go demo…. thou INSIDE OF THIS DOMED one LOOKED TRASHED…been 24 hrs…SAD..looks like The Blitz on inside….THIS peddled off old architecture sell off on web or some antique dealer…all that fancy stone,etc.

  2. THINK in terms of HOW the CHURCH DEMO over on East side being done by Cleveland Clinic In building THEIR new hotel and use THAT as a template…LOT of retail in THIS area toooo….IS there enough demand for it all…IS there deep enough dollar pockets,will TO REHab this place but doesn’t sound like it….WHICH IS SAD cuz FANTASTIC craftsmanship,etc. AT end of day LOT of it is CHASING THE ALMIGHT $ and THE SALES TAX which QUITE frankly is getting to be a FLAT ZERO SUM SHELL game….CLEVELAND JUST trying to hang onto it for as long as can til bye bye…THINK STEELYARD COMMONS….TRYING to entice whatever Yuppies,”Goth”, Hipsters,old folks,students or combo of above… Hmmm…NOW THAT WOULD be a WILD combo…..

  3. HOW VIABLE ARE ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL these ‘projects’….or the people…so far crackheads seem to coexist with corporateclonecrew.

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