Monthly Dark Room @CPTCLE Connects Aspiring Playwrights with Local Actors

Tue 11/12 @ 7:30pm

Cleveland Public Theatre’s Dark Room is a monthly reading group that is a co-production of Cleveland Public Theatre and The Cleveland Theatre Collective. The Dark Room affords emerging and veteran playwrights the space and resources to develop new works and affords actors an opportunity to cold-read original scripts and offer feedback from a performer’s perspective. It offers a venue to workshop plays, novels, poems, or any other written work in a supportive, yet critical environment.

Each month features an open session of readings followed by a reading of the featured piece of the month. When there is no featured reading for the month, the entire evening is devoted to open session (similar to an open-mic night). Each month, the program begins at 7:30pm, with writers wishing to have their work read in open session arriving between 7:15pm and 7:30pm. Open session readings take place from 7:30pm-8:15pm, followed by a brief period of discussion to offer feedback. Featured readings (scripts up to an hour in length) begin at 8:30pm followed by a more in-depth discussion of the work.

The Dark Room occurs on the second Tuesday of every month in the church on the CPT campus (located just east of the Gordon Square Theatre entrance).  Admission is free and open to the public.

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