Over 300 Students Perform Hello Dolly! @ Cleveland Hts High School


Kicking off Wed 10/30 @ 7:30pm

Over SIX HUNDRED students from Cleveland Hts/University Hts will perform Hello, Dolly! at Cleveland Heights High School.  Thirty-three high school lead actors will comprise three separate casts.  Each of these actors will perform in 1-2 performances.  180 high school students will be performing in the chorus or dancing and two pit orchestras will feature 46 students alternating with eight professional musicians (including Heights High faculty).  The stage crew includes another 20 students.  Over 150 middle school students will perform in an on-stage chorus, and over 200 elementary school students will perform in a chorus on the floor and in the aisles.

Tickets range from $6-12 depending on seating location, and are available through any cast member or (216) 320-3105.

Additional showings: Fri 11/1 and Sat 11/2 at 7:30pm; Sun 11/3 at 4pm.


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