Fri 11/1 @ 8pm
This Friday, local award-winning fashion designer Deanna Turcotte presents her debut collection of eco-conscious, retro looks – including evening and day wear. This nontraditional fashion show at Lakewood’s Mahall’s 20 Lanes will incorporate music and elements of performance art.
“It’s not going to be the usual runway show that people are expecting,” says Turcotte. “It’s really more of a short narrated performance that showcases the collection.”
The evening will feature model/actress Kalyn Victoria Brown and a stage transformed into a 1930s-style bedroom. Brown will be modeling each piece as if she’s choosing a look for the evening from her bedroom closet. The audience will observe her from another dimension – as if on the other side of her bedroom mirror. As Turcotte discusses details of the design and construction of the look, Brown will navigate around the room for a closer look at fabric and details, before retreating behind a folding screen to quickly change into the next design.
Turcotte graduated from Kent State in 2012 with a degree in Fashion Design. She has won numerous design competitions – including the first annual Project MOCA design competition, and was invited back the next year as a guest judge. She also won Best Designer, Critic’s Choice Award and an award for the Best Use of Digital Technology at the annual Beaux Arts Ball at Kent. She has studied abroad in Florence, Italy, and completed an internship with sustainable fashion designer Rianne de Witte in Breda, Netherlands. Her work was exhibited in the Massillon Museum’s Another Look at the New Look.
“I try to incorporate a balance of historic inspiration and modern design in my work. A single outfit could be made of vintage fabrics combined with the very modern technology of digitally printed fabric. Sustainability is always on my mind as well. I try to use as much organic and eco-friendly materials as I can.”
After the performance, guests will have an opportunity to place custom orders. The event will be followed by an after-party featuring music from Party Sweat.
Tickets are $6 at door. Door prizes, provided by local businesses, will be awarded.