Dance-A-Thon to End Sex Slavery


Thu 8/29 @ 7pm

Today’s slave trade is a $32 billion industry – tied with arms dealing as the second largest criminal industry in the world. There are an estimated 27 million slaves worldwide, and  about 15,000 people are trafficked into the U.S. each year. Slavery undermines basic human dignity, threatens public safety and contributes largely to organized crime and criminal activities.

Efforts to end slavery are growing – and will continue to grow – thanks to efforts like those of the Without Words Movement.  WWM choreographs and performs original works that speak on behalf of the enslaved – demanding attention to the atrocities of the sex trade and inspiring potential future abolitionists to join the movement.

This Thursday Collinwood’s Beachland Ballroom & Tavern hosts a dance-a-thon to benefit WWM’s efforts to raise awareness and counter-act these criminal activities.  All proceeds will benefit the Without Words Movement.  The top three fundraisers will receive prizes from local sponsors, and extra-energetic dancers will get mini-prizes throughout the evening!

Schedule of Events:
Doors at 6:30
7-8pm Open bar, appetizers, mingling & groovin’
8pm Short performance by Without Words Movement
9:30pm Mini Swing Dance Class
10:30pm Mini Salsa Dance Class
11:30pm Dance-a-thon winners announced and awarded!

Tickets are $30 but if you participate in the dance-a-thon and raise at least $30, your admission is free.

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