Terrestrial Brewing

The Battery Park neighborhood rose in the mid ’00s on prime abandoned land just south of the West Shoreway within view of Lake Erie. With an influx of new urban dwellers, it’s the perfect spot for a microbrewery such as the Terrestrial Brewery Company, which opened in April 2017 in a former battery factory.

Opened by partners Ryan Bennett and brewer Ralph Sgro (who formerly worked at Platform Beer), Terrestrial’s décor maintains some of the rough-hewn factory feel (and a view of the lake!) with the brewing equipment not behind a glass wall in the back but right in the middle of the room where patrons can see how their quaff is being made. Terrestrial is strictly a bar but food will be available from the area’s many restaurants. And the upside to that is that the bar is dog-friendly.

7524 Father Frascati Drive



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