Let’s Put a Cap on Parking

By Joe Baur

I can already hear the blowback echoing throughout corners of the ‘burbs. “Less parking!? We need MORE parking!!!”

No. No, we don’t.

Think for a moment when cities were at their most populous and powerful. There wasn’t any parking to speak of. People walked to work or took a streetcar. There was density, and with density came vibrancy. Cleveland was by all accounts a major city as the sixth most populous in the country. Proud as we are, it’s hard to argue major city status after dropping to 47th most populous in 2010, even if cities like Indianapolis, Phoenix and Columbus skew such rankings with their monstrously wide city-limits.

Yes, there are countless reasons for Cleveland’s downfall that have nothing to do with parking. Still, I can’t help but notice that the more parking garages and surface lots we’ve built, the faster people have fled to other metropolises over time. Yet despite the fact that we have far more parking available than we did in the city’s prime, motorists from the suburbs continue to insist we need even more parking.

(Funny these tend to be the same people who call Cleveland a ghost town, but I digress…)

The problem seems to stem from basing planning decisions off anecdotal evidence. That is to say, Harry VonDriver (clever, eh?) drove downtown one day and couldn’t find a parking spot. Therefore, Cleveland needs more parking. The same logic is used to refute other very real problems, like global warming. “It’s cold today. Therefore, there is no global warming.”

But of course we know that’s not true. An inability to find parking is actually a good thing for a city. It means people are actually visiting and living downtown. Vibrancy! It’s the buzzword everyone’s talking about. And we actually have those nights in downtown Cleveland. Despite what the WTAM and Cleveland.com crowd have to say about the city, it’s actually pretty neat.

However, the parking issue isn’t dying down. As Cleveland continues to rebound, new throngs of drivers are coming out of the woodwork to demand their parking spot. If they’re taking the time to grace Cleveland with their presence, then she damn well better have a decent parking spot waiting for them! Catty-corner to their end destination, preferably.

On a side note, when did we become so entitled?

Here’s a solution to all of our parking problems. Let’s put a cap on it. Zurich has already proven it works.

From Atlantic Cities:

The essence of Zurich’s historic compromise of 1996 was that parking in the core of the city would be capped at the 1990 level, and that any new parking to be built would, on a one-to-one basis, replace the surface parking that blighted most squares in the city at the time. Today, almost all these squares are free of parking and have been converted to tranquil or convivial places for people to enjoy.

The rest of the article is well worth a read to better understand how lackadaisical American parking policy has been compared to cities that have managed to maintain their density, like Zurich.

Although a Greater Clevelander dropped in Zurich would most likely demand more parking, the city is more vibrant (our favorite word again) than ever before. People have replaced the congestion of cars, which makes for a healthier city to boot.

Those who truly value what the city has to offer will live in or closer to the city. Bottom line, a city cannot expect to thrive by basing planning decisions on whether or not Mr. VonDriver from the exurbs can find a parking spot whenever they want. I’m not suggesting we eliminate parking spots from the urban landscape entirely (pipedream). I’m merely saying we look at what’s working and apply it here. Zurich is often considered one of the most livable cities in the world. We can use a little more livability here in Cleveland.


Joe Baur is a freelance writer, filmmaker and satirist with a diverse array of interests including travel, adventure, craft beer, health, urban issues, culture and politics. He ranks his allegiances in the order of Cleveland, the state of Ohio and the Rust Belt, and enjoys a fried egg on a variety of meats. Joe has a B.A. in Mass Communication with a focus on production from Miami University. Follow him at http://JoeBaur.com and on Twitter @MildlyRelevant.



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28 Responses to “Let’s Put a Cap on Parking”

  1. snarky

    In sane societies unused or dormant space is better occupied than vacant.

    Downtown Cleveland lacks any real scene or vibrancy due to many factors , and a surplus of surface level parking is at the top of the list.

    Another great reason downtown Cleveland is a rather creative dud , is that though plenty of empty space and buildings exist in it’s rather tiny footprint , the same ten players own all the property and continue to play a sordid monopoly game of accumulating in hopes of developing.

  2. All are sorta right to a point…SNARKY espec. Got these developers with Dreams who drag everything out trying to play every angle ….But FRITZ above is also right…CERTAIN things just have lot more appeal,clientele,etc. Yuppies,lawyers,etc.dominate Warehouse dist… got Sports thing.. FOLKS have lot of stuff going on in their lives…LISTEN…wha is POPULAR one decade or moment loses its luster for WHUTEVER reason….THINGS happen… GOT a real enigma here…and interests would FIGHT EACH OTHER for wha left… fighting it all… attitudes,perceptions,time,crappy econ, etc. RACE, income thing…Ohhh yeahhh…a REAL bugaboo… ROUND n round… on a PERSONAL level…folks have many places,things to do at various times and need to get around and if that is in a car then fine… meeting over HERE..fam or social meet OVER there..kiddy pickup at THIS time…U get the idea….

    RTA IS good ALL by itself…and cheap enoughtaxi thing SEEMS good enough…I PERSONALLY DONT think ALL THAT much demand…even with CERTAIN recent projects done or near done…NOT gonna Name them…. CERTAIN ones VERY near city hall DO make H lot more sense,etc. then the other stuff proposed or done… TIME will tell if SOMETHING like a Boston Hi tech Silicon Glen Valley type deal can occur or not… chicken,egg..

  3. Building thing…LOST how many BIG corporates? and quite frankly LOT of companies DONT need the bodycount as high anymore… Web,PDAs,etc.etc. JUST not the same world as when Terminal Tower,CleveAmeritrustower,etc. were put up… MR.parking lot King thou maybe a *$*@ on this stuff but HE has a problem..if toooo *$*@ then folks say *$*@ all this… GOT HOW much NICE office complexes fairly close by…. Independence among others made a career out of snagging corporates among others….aint putting THAT Jeannie back in the bottle…good luck with THAT….

  4. HOW many people LIVE OUTSIDE the city…LOOK at the #s…or the $s… NEED a USE for buildings,etc. and quite frankly considering EVERYTHING IN EVERY sense of the word that has occured WHO has the $,will,time,energy or can get a loan…. HOW the blank can U convince SOMEONE who owns a decent house to sell out to WHO exactly considering present econ and move to WERE… JUST gonna have REhashed MOVED Noveau Richie sorta gentrified GHETTOES…

    Mr.Chenock above…NOT out to gore him..BUT… ALL that was before PRESENT econ, social mess which quite frankly SEEMS worse by the decade..MAYBE THAT MIGHT change due to recent events,etc.BUT….

    IF those corporates were able to go bankrutp,bought out,MOVE,etc. whaz to say WOULDNT have SAME thing HAPPEN all over again and HUNG out to dry…. FINALLY THE CITY offers up ALL THIS ‘prize money’ to do or TRY to do whutever and…ANnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd… AND STUCK with what…

    NOT sure WHICH is worse… being fee,fined to death in a 100 little cuts…or dealing with mega TARP, RTC (resolution trust corp.1980s) ‘legacy’ horror shows left by corporates.. ..OUR city history FULL of ol dead corporate corpses…whether they left (TRW),died (LTV CORP.offices),etc. …. and QUITE FRANKLY newbie outfits tooo small to fill all this space….

    THAT huge black glass building BEHIND Galleria which ITSELF has problems… WHA kind of vacancy rate..and it aint THAT old….

    HOW dynamic is idea of skyscrapers,etc. SERIOUSLY…. got cloud computing,outsourcing,globalization,etc.etc. I have a REAL hard time with all this…maybe I am a foo or misreading tea leaves BUT….

    PUT THIS ANOTHER way…. COLUMBIA bldg and rest of it… or STANLEY bldg… HOW long do YOU want to wait for SOMEONE with SOME $ to HOPEFULLY come along and RENT or BUY said…DIE OF OLD age… NO idea wha ultimate outcome of HorsieShoe is gonna be BUT if not for THAT I SERIOUSLY doubt if that much action …..HOW MUCH SERIOUS $ spent in COlumbus,etc.on PR and lobbying to get THAT…. let alone rest of it…

  5. NOT enough Yuppies,MT nesters and other Downtowners,etc.to really give the vibe to WHUTEVER Downtown… VS.rest of region…LOOK at the numbers.. PUT ANOTHER way… casinocrew..someone is a true casino cruiser…THEY could be coming MILES away from OTHER regions,casinoes to check out said…LIMITS to THAT thou…and again the BIG HI $ white collar expense acct crew QUESTION MARK is AFFECT of a certain little ol project farther down on Ontario by CItyHall…. Ohhh yeahhh baby… biz crew DROOLING over that plum…. PUT YOURSELVES in shoes of ANY cleveland ANYONE across the spectrum….

  6. I DONT agree with mark…TRAINS,busses are wha they are. and quite frankly I DONT see private outfits doing ANY better..and prob.WORSE… to be HONEST…way RTA bends itself to private interests they SORTA are semi private but AGAIN THEY go were biz,action,people are…. PROblEM is WE sorta HAVE ENOUGH biz to sorta kinda keep things semi busy but not enough barnburner type moments to really give it the jazz….

  7. PUT THIS ANOTHER way…1980s…SOMETHING like INTERNET existed..ATHERNET…had computers,etc. IF THESE CORPORATE COMPUTER gurus had ANY inkling let alone corporate honchoes THEY should have known SOMETHING like todays world was coming…. MAYBE WHY backed OUT of warehouse Dist… then again good ol CleveTrustAmeritrust HAD lot of issues and in no shape to go building….THEY went BUST in 1992… wounds INFLICTED in hideous 1979-85 crapfest and by time 92 rolled around… BROADVIEW SAVING which WAS biggest OHIO S&L went bust toooo…AMERITRUST WAS biggest OHIO bank at ONE point….

    SURE semi holding pattern while INTERESTS try n figure out WHA gonna happen exactly with stuff….LIMITS as to spillover affect..I COULD be wrong…PUT THIS ANOTHER way…SOoo many other cities, INSTITUTIONS aka MIT,CORNELL,WakeForest,REsearchTriangle,etc.etc. are sooo far ahead of us not even funny and down to nichie stuff HERE via whutever odds n ends of grant $,etc.etc. MAYBE im full of it but HOW I see it…

  8. IF U want to put this in another light…. THE INTERESTS THEMSELVES voted for candidates,etc,etc THAT did a real number to SELVES, employees,etc.

    on PROGRESSIVE… if CHOICE of *$@* around with some brownfields and OTHER issues or just starting with clean slate… muck around WITH THIS lot owner or THAT building owner or THIS estate or THAT *$*… til CITY almost obliged to ‘step in’…..and U can IMAGINE the “great: PR value of all “THAT”…THE CITY itself OWNED the FAR east MT land,rented said,had a trust fund or some such deal concering all that…THEY probably figured choice of THAT orrrr…BYE BYE totally… let one decide on MERITS of all that…. SORTA smacks OF…. I dont have to tell you how folks FEEL ABOUT ALL “THAT”….

    BE thanfkul ONLY have a few huge interests like THAT…and LOW population..or SOON to be low…THAT may have own ramifications BUT the urge to whutever lessens… BE thankful biz community… WHO wants to go thruANOTHER COUNTY corruption horror…or anything likek it… maybe being a blank about it BUT FINALLY HOW many developers are there…..SERIOUSLY… ALMOST begs question OF… WHA supposed to think…. AFTER ALL THIS WHO is gonna stand up there and peddle WHUTEVER…whether politico or otherwise….

  9. PERSONALLY ….THINK only handful of projects worth it…. ONE of which ALMOST ready to have a redribbon cutting moment there along Ontario…and quite frankly…ask HAGAN &Co. HOW ALL THAT went… intellectually RIGHT ON THAT one…but the MIDWIFERY birthing thing was H to say the least…

    On parking lots…FEWER places for *$*@ to hide,etc. the likes of DCA SHOULD fling some baby cheap preddrones out there…give SOME sense of SOMETHING… I CAN pic EVERYONE consulting lawyers on all this and figuring out wha would stand up in courtroom….

  10. SAD to say NOW reached point were got INSURERS offering up GUN INCIDENT insurace courtesy of Martin&Zimmerman Co. ‘situation’….can pic those billboards n TV ads now…. wont take long for that to surface….right next to the SR22 bond crew,booze ads,etc.

  11. OVERLAYING this whole mess….RACE relations…I HATE using THAT R word but…ITS there…well DIGITAL social divide…BOTH ways…goood luck if not dressed to 9s or look like some dorkie dweebie TwiiterFlutterStuttrMuttrWebsurfersoftwarewriterGeek and TRY n go into whutever…. from SOME of the poo slobs that amble down Detroit Ave and elsewhere ALMOST cant blame Hipster crew for feeling THAT way….NOT sure WHA gonna encounter….SOME did it to themselves via various ways n reasons…OTHERS are well HEY… EXPLAINS Mz.Pink Yuppie Gal n her mace,taser,BIG dog and all the rest of it as she parades up n down latest Yup hangout….

    AND CAN be sure all gonna protect the HIGH value areas… rest of area either gonna shelter the rest or shoot it… I guess a win either way….

  12. CAN have soccer,baseball games etc.on OFF days…. chalk crayon art contests…I CAN be constructive!…

  13. ABOVE comment references parking lots…

    AND SHALE OIL SHALE OIL SHALE OIL……EvERYONE gonna bend over n move heaven and Earth for that puppy…..

  14. Yeahhh ME again…HOWDY…SERIOUSLY…YES I am…..DEMAND is for cars n PARKING space….if buildings,etc.HAD a life or SOMETHING goin for them THEY would have STAYED up…. NOT trying to be a blank about it….BELIEVE me…if NOT for least MY presentlife style,job,etc. SOMETHING to be said for old hoods n yesteryear world …..BUT…. WE have MORE buildings THEN USE…. AND I HONESTLY doubt or least I dont see the #s POST MediQuickieMart and other ‘projects’ of REALLY jumping up THAT useage level…I COULD be wrong but somehow doubt it…. I CAN see NEW life for stuff somehow tied to THAT area….FARTHER out? NO….

  15. IF want to level SOME old *$*@8 wreck on a forlorn side street off Lakeside on East side NEAR RTA rapid line and loop THAT jazz into overall parking whutever then HEY…. assuming SOME parking disappears in Downtown building rehab and mini boom….CONVULUTED way of doing things but HEY…. see ENOUGH downtown office workers who LITERALLY use ROLLERBLADES, gliderblades,BICYCLES,jogging shoes, RTA bus itself and gosh knows wha all else to get to work after parking in remote el cheapo long haul nose blood parking lot areas…

  16. HALF agree with Mark far as monopoly thing… but finally folks HAVE to get around…janitors to execs to… QUITE frankly SEMI riot IF RTA hauled out of hoods…AND LOSE of TAXABLE wages,sales,etc.

  17. HERE is problem…GOT copier repairpersons,salespersons,gov officials and gosh all wha else who come into area at various times for various reasons to do whutever and have to have SOME place to park their vehicle….CONSTRUCTION vehicles,HVAC,etc.etc. U REALllly want this hobblecobbled obstacle course while TRYING to carry on biz and other stuff…SERIOUSLY….

  18. Far as Public Square…. hey… Yeah i see the *$*@ doing their $98@ but relative tiny % thou THEY DO enough BS to bother heck out of rest of us and yeah all the stuff and baggage…or JUST plain narcisstic ahole stuff but THAT is on them… plant some poison ivy, water sprinklers (yeah a *$*@ to maintain,etc.), fencing,security cams,run some CPD thru n call it a day… in THAT case GOT INTERESTS who have workers,etc.COMING FROM certain hoods TO work in THEIR places,spend $,etc. Sooo a DOUBLE EDGED SWORD that may come back to cut one up…..

  19. FINALLY….WHA POLITICO after ALLLLL we went thru COULD possibly back ANYTHING….. other then more cops,pothole repair…. INTEREST got their jazz…PRAY works out…ENOUGH time,energy,$ spent on said… LET DEMOLITION crews do THEIR thing…. NEW life for WHA left….

  20. IF I had a $ for everyone who ever said never go downtown n ONLY go cuz of a game or jury duty….sure didnt want to hear THAT but… ONE thing going to a rock hall, science museum,etc.

    PERSONALLY….. MedieQuickieMart MAYBE left its own *$*@*b ‘bad taste’ after all the uproar and folks say “YOU GOT X make a go of it”…. gonna take TIME for THAT pup to lose its stigma…. lets see HOW many invitees REALLY ‘hang around’…or DUCK in,say hi,munch some goodies n GET out before the cameras start clicking away….

    MAY or may not agree with that assessment but… HOW many projects have been tried in past…MAYBE needed a MediQuickiePlusmart to tie all this together and make use Hopkins runway expasnsion,etc.BUT the oversized TajMahal portrayal just left a whutever….REST of stuff viewed as ‘pork barrel spending’…..

  21. SADDER part…MORE folks gonna comment on THIS n similar ilk vs.the arts,music,etc.articles….

  22. ASK yourselves THIS…. I HATE naming names BUT… STARK..YES him…circa 2003 wannabe SOMETHING SAVIOR of warehouse dist or WHUTEVER… Mr.$20 parking himself…anyways…HIS own mini like 5 story office tower all by itself on like St.Claire &w.6th by JCenter… last I knew STILL for sale,rent,etc. HE couldnt do jack with it either…keeping it up…MAYBE a restaurant or SOMETHING on first floor…

  23. ARTS stuff,etc. JUST cant match wha a casino, MEDIQUICKIEMart and rest of it can do….I HATE saying THAT..IS a market..BUT…

  24. MAYBE times are achanging n Yuppie GBLT & Hipster crew are driving things in Downtown n certain hoods BUT….and NOT trying to $*@ gals and others…BUT…WHO is gonna be more successful (aside from certain restaurants,etc.)… a arts deal ….or a ADULT ‘venue’ type thing…( u gotta admit…Larrys deal in Flats is new {?},pricey,upscale {remember clientele n context..compared to REST of FLATS minus new housing}..I DONT want to get INTO all THAT but HEY….fills a few lofts,offices,etc.tooo…. and good ol Fat Jimmy D SURE did HIS share to keep ALL THAT going… keep a few steakhouses going toooo… HE aint only one EITHER…YES HE is in priz…but the mantra n mindset sure there…. least NOT certain Asian countries &/or cities were GAL COVERED in a buffet and….I WILL KEEP it clean…. a few wild Euro cities into whutever tooo…. BE thankful THOSE partaking of all “THAT’ FIND their ‘fun’ n leave rest alone…JUST so long as legal age…

  25. REST of city…..MOWERgoat…. hey…GET goat cheese out of it…and meat tooo….Ooops…SORRrry…SURE a few will disappear to some coyotes..or become ‘pets’… SOMe control over newly back to nature lots left by demolition crew… HOPING dont eat leaves of those winery vines over there…barbed wire n sheepfencing…and whutever natural thing scares off goats…

    LISTEN…if U think OFFICE bldg thing is a blank…WHA gonna do with wrecks scattered hither younder,etc.

  26. Zack R complains but HEY….at rate HE is goin at HE will be in rehab,jail,etc.shortly or for some time….heard,read busted again…and ONLY ONE official out of HOW many and LIMITS as to His authority,etc.and ‘vote’… SOME are MONEYPITS…HATE to see ol beauties go BUT gets BACK to 5 Ws of the situation…. I WOULD HATE to be the original owner,etc. and see wha happened to the place… HEARTBREAKING…EVEN worse to see it stand upright… WHA left of it…put it THIS way… East Cleveland… ANYONE who can sell out to advancing medical industrial complex is better off…PROBABLY the city ITSELF…NOT mucking around with vacant lots/wrecks,get wage tax money,etc. OR sales tax $ cuz some shopping ctr moves in or NEW rehab life for some old deal close enough to THAT vibrancy…. can thank wha left of old healthcare plans,Medicare,VA,colleges,etc.etc. for THAT

  27. TALKING ZURICH…vs. US here….

  28. Yeah I know..I AM being a *$*@… ANYHOOTS…. CLEVELAND DOWNTOWN dwellers,etc. FAM n FRIENDS VISIT THEM….yeah RTA (prob.RAPID) has a place in that scheme of thigs vs.bus,etc. GUESSING THAT…

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