Lava Lounge

Following its 20+-month pandemic closure, Tremont’s Lava Lounge, formerly a late-night bistro/hangout for night owls, musicians and service workers to grab a bite and listen to DJs, Tremont’s Lava Lounge retooled and reopened with earlier hours and a more family-friendly slant with a new menu and more of a focus on food. That menu is smaller but still features familiar pub food choices such as sandwiches, made with fresh and (as much as possible) local ingredients. You can still enjoy drinks with your meal too: Lava Lounge has a hefty list of microbrews (with a strong focus on Ohio beers), wines and cocktails. There’s still a dog-friendly patio to enjoy when the weather’s nice, so bring the WHOLE family, including Fido.

1307 Auburn Avene



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