By Roldo Bartimole
The carpetbagger from Tennessee didn’t take long find a way to fleece northern sports suckers.
Browns owner Jimmy Haslam, one of society’s takers, will pocket the $100-million naming rights on a property tax-free stadium built, owned and maintained by taxpayers. He already had a sweet deal for a pittance of rent ($250,000) never to increase over 30 years.
And you wonder why Jimmy seems always to have a grin, ear to ear.
How many times have I been over this fakery?
Anything these rich blood suckers want they take. The fix is always in for the Haslams, Gilberts and Dolans. We’ve continually invested too much public money for private interests. Already, they’re lined up to extend the sin tax that should lapse in 2015 after 25 years of hitting Cuyahoga residents.
But we’re all supposed to not see these thefts in progress.
Why? Well, in part surely because of our journalistic deceivers. Can you imagine, for example, the giddy Jimmy “Voice of the Browns” Donovan telling a truth about the stadium deal? How can he be a journalist and a paid promoter of the Browns? More disturbing, the empty-headed, monkey-see, monkey-do of his WKYC teammates – Russ Mitchell, Kris Pickel and Robin Swoboda.
They are illustrative of the phony nature of news when it comes to sports and much more. No wonder the political crooks thought they could get away with anything. Don’t we all do it?
The news people – broadcast or print – simply can’t bring themselves to entertain the thought of seeking truth in their news reporting. It’s Christmas every day for so many of our corporate “leaders.”
Mayor Frank Jackson, of course, doesn’t even try to deal with these pilferings of public money. Nor does the somnolent City Council. Hardly a word of protest about the $100 million.
What’s the difference between blind editors and the officials at the County who watched corruption year after year and said nothing?
Maybe if reporters told the brutal truth people would buy their newspapers. Sad.
Sports owners are pirates. They hold taxpayers hostage for every dollar they can squeeze from a dwindling, poverty-sick city. Is it any wonder people stream out of Cleveland? Soon only the very poor and those who can afford to live in subsidized, high-rent downtown or a few gentrified neighborhoods will be left. We will have chic restaurants, however.
It wouldn’t take much news truth-telling to make people want to get out the tar and feathers. So many deserving villains await.
Most reporters have blind spots for our movers and shakers. Or don’t they want to see. Yah, that’s it.
Stories are there.
I’ll give you one example from the past. The much-lauded Dick Jacobs when he owned the Cleveland Indians demanded marble tables for his loges customers. Marble tables? Not plain wood? Dick got marble, of course. From Lucca, Italy, no less. He could afford it. He wasn’t paying. We were.
They soon began to crack. Surprise!
As the marble cracked, the marble-provider noted, “If you recall, we raised questions initially about the quality of Verde Giada (the type marble selected).” They wrote, “We tried to suggest the use of stronger more portable material.” Jacobs insisted he wanted what he wanted. The provider told me, “They asked for the marble, we provided it.” What’s the problem?
That’s one of many travesties we expensed because our sports owners demanded it.
How do these things work?
We’re told the naming right dough belongs to Haslam. It’s in the lease. The sanctified lease. What can we do? Read the lease, please. Cleveland lawyer Fred Nance of Squire-Sanders wrote it. Then he went to work for the Browns. A coincidence apparently. Not really.
I remember talking with Tom Chema, who headed Gateway, about a building constructed to house the executive offices for Jacobs’s Indians. It WASN’T in the lease, I pointed out. Cost some $5 million. Why build it? Not in the lease.
Well, said Chema, an unsightly ramp marred the street view. So they plugged it with a five-story, fully furnished office building. Why not some shrubbery, Tom? I guess shrubs were not in the lease. Too bad.
You can make black appear white, or any other color, if you have compliant political and journalistic watchdogs. We have an excess of both.
Cleveland is so well-equipped in those two departments. That’s why we get what we get. We deserve it if we don’t wake up.

15 Responses to “ROLDO: Theft in Progress – Check Jimmy Haslam’s Pockets”
Mark Naymik of the PD has written that if the Sin Tax is not renewed, the City of Cleveland is on the hook for the money.
Two questions:
*How much money per year would this drain from the City budget?
*Why is the city, not the county, on the hook? The stadium was approved by a countywide vote, so why would only the city have to pay?
Also, you have to appreciate the irony… its previous life (as CEI), First Energy caused the city to default.
35 years later, it attaches its name to another financial burden.
Meanwhile, the guy who fought off their Muny Light takeover gerrymandered out of Congress just a couple weeks prior to the Stadium naming rights press conference.
Same old song , just the small group of players you have illustrated call the fiddlers tune at our collective expense.
Cleveland plods along on course as Detroit Junior , hellbent on fiscal failure , just a matter as when , not if the roof falls in , and the chinks in the armor are exposed.
You are so right old pal , the exodus continues , sane folk flee such tax futures which have led to the unstable neighborhoods , poor schools ,and rickety inner ring suburbs that currently exist.
Downtown is now a dipsomaniac themed amusement park for gluttons and the political pukes and sycophants that toddle about in high fashion.
These suckers are enjoying their cake and ale , at the citizens expense.
Roldo Bartimole
Mitch – I can’t read your entire comment. For some reason the first comment
gets overlapped. I think you are asking if the city is on the hook for the
football stadium, given the sin tax will run out. I believe the city would
be responsible to the bondholders. It has a number of other taxes to be
tapped, as extra admission tax, the parking tax. And, of course, reasonable
minds would suggest a revised lease where the team would be more responsible
for the cost of the stadium. Question is are there any reasonable minds at
city hall, among our corporate elite and the team ownership.
Snarky, I wish once you would tell us what you really think.
Roldo Bartimole
I now see your entire comment Mitch. The vote by the County voters
for the extended sin tax was really a gift to Cleveland because fans
were caught up in the passion of getting the Browns back. The city
is totally responsible for the stadium. It built it, owns it and is responsinble
to pay for it. The sin tax is now 25 years old.
It appears clearly that the three team owners want to extend the sin
tax not simply to pay off the stadium but the make additions to the
football, baseball and basketball facilities at public cost.
They don’t ever like to pay their bills themselves. So expect to see
the usual ballyho about how we HAVE to do this. It’s coming.
SNARKY MY SOUL MATE!…basically WHA HE is saying is the interests are gonna *$*@ the place along w/the sociopaths and THEN the whole thing gets dumped on COLUMBUS…depending ON WHO lands at GOV mansion THIS will either be a gift from HEaven n can play OWN games or a headache…actually even to certain politicos who want to make a point n shake up the place STILL a headache…COULD go on forever w/this BUT FINALLY poo shoved farther out along Detroit,Lorain aves,etc. while wannabe semi Yup I GUESS type deals get THEIR tax abated WHUTEVER type deals as they I GUESS help to fill space of the Gilberts n rest of it.. CITY is RUNNING Out of projects,$,etc.
What have I learned from this article? If I ever need someone to play both sides against the middle, I’ll hire Fred Nance and the Street Crew from SS&D.
Wouldn’t that make a fantastic Perp Walk? When I see that, I will start to believe in reform.
I’M FAMOUS..or in trouble..Hi! THANKS for using my quote..I wore U done Mr.”Roldo and Readers”..MAY have JUST given You a quote line there Mr.B….I HOPE I AM wrong in THIS assumption above or in other observations I have made…HOPEFULLY FOR ALL of us I am wrong..I TRY and be fair,give benefit of doubt and all that but…WE are a big city w/enough or lot of strength and if used right way…thou WE are smaller,OLDER,more spread out and experienced Great Recession (TO tell You the truth considering WHA experienced before I TRULY believe 1979 on was the REAL turning point for this area which BY ITSELF is a tome to write but I will spare us all that…MAYBE all that was invetiable and MAYBE FINALLY led to some good in a roundabout bizarre way…aka Barack,ObamaCare,etc. JUST a H of a road to get there and usually the interests have a way of coopting everything…TIME will tell on MedMart…of all the projects I PERSONALLY ‘think’ makes sense or MOST sense but politically it is a BLANK to say or peddle that ‘idea’ in that sense of the word…)
I DO agree w/Roldo above far as ballyhoo around doing something bout stadiums…BUT being a sports town SURE or NEAR certain folks will coalesce around some proposal…MAYBE smaller $,more nuanced,user fee based and some FUNKY financing…
IF nothing else…ones pushing projects least get SOME feedback,maybe some ideas,perspectives and if some good comes out of it..OR FEWER problems and all thankful for THAT tooo…PS..sometimes my English leaves something to be desired and sometimes (BE NICE!) I have run on sentences but eh hey I TRY….
ON Yuppies…hey…
Mr.Roldo may very well be right in assumption WE may go Detroit Route…sure enough folks aware of wha going on UP there…thou THEY are sorta STILL a one product town…far as ed and diversification efforts we sorta ape each other thou WE SEEM to be MORE diverse,farthER along on education to nichie specialty industry stuff and all that….but lot of that is sooo nuanced..especially the much coveted info tech crew…and quite frankly LOT of that piggybacks on the HUGE handful of techie firms and a few standard computer languages…LITTTLE bothered when a SALT LAKE city firm can develop,write,support a EPR (electronic patient records) and get it adopted BY OUR crews here…finally gonna go w/best package &/or ‘deal’ aka support…I can understand THAT…but WITH ALL the $ poured into ed,fiber optics and all the rest of it…gotta wunder…but wha do I know..
Brownies? Wellll BEEN back…NEAR FOURTEEN yrs…MAYBE “HASLAM HAS HUZPA”…or SOMETHING…and able to SOMEHOW pass that onto the team…give HIM time…NOT gonna be overnite…WE HAVE developed TALENT,etc.AND LOT OF THAT FOUND GLORY DAYS ELSEWHERE…BELICHECK…WayneBranson,etc.etc. NOT sure if we are HEXED aka curse or wha it is exactly…MAYBE former real Indians put a curse on place or something…MAYBE need an impossible to catch Kenny L who run like greased lightning…SOMETHING….
to tell u the truth..RATHER be warm,inside,see the cheerleaders,have easier time getting to car/bathroom,food,ANYTHING,etc… aka Gladiators…or even a college team…or HS team..OTHERS felt same way..INCLUDING least ONE grandpa…and THAT was in 1960s!…MAYBE im just gettin ol n fussy..thou funky workschedules,sitting out in a BLIZZARD and rest of that somehow dont appeal to me much…I KNOW DIE HARDS go for all the ‘stuff’…Im JUST NOT INTO ALL “THAT”…
PART of the problem…CH AFRAID gonna get STUCK W/EXTREME SERIOUS “DEAD concrete” if dont come to rescue of DOWNTOWN biz building crew…WHICH TO A POINT I CAN understand..and I HONESTLY dont know HOW techie revolution finally gonna pan out…welll IF Iiiffffffffffff can believe SOME of the projections,articles kinda well ICKY or can be…sure folks seen, read,heard bout THAT kind of stuff…if any consolation WE wont be ONLY city to experience PROBLEMS… WE WERE BUILT LONG before ANY of THIS stuff was out of lab..or even AN idea
PUT yourself in shoes of some midaged banker, mid 1970s and some longhaired semi Hippy kid name of “Steve” comes looping thru door w/this wha looks like a TV hooked to this bizarre looking ‘keyboard’ and starts talking bout the future and needing $ for some startup called AppleSomething…ACTUALLY THIS stuff existed but as DUMMY terminals hooked to a mainframe…good ol Steve and Bill G just took it a step further…but ANYWAYS..another Era…
HERE I GET MY cocunuts cut off…Wolstein…Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….WHY G WHY would build this SKYSCRAPER for WHO who may or may not stay…those auditors..or whoever else..grant U looks like NICE building,etc. so are rest…better be H of a deal…I WOULD HATE to build something LIKE THAT and then X gets boughtout, merged,downsized,Artie Anderson type financial gamemanship Enronesque Horrow show pops up AND…HOW many MEGA mil MT sq.ft running thru city…MAYBE by law or FEAR of said couldnt merge,share space w/other bldg owners,etc. FINALLY the thing built…and hopefully a MEDmart is THEE ticket or one of…TIME will tell…BUT it does look like some bizarre pointless shell game…
FOOD for thought…NOT sure if a MEDMART could have been built earlier…CONSIDERING… SUSPECT whoever waited for disasters AND THEN rolled out the GrandeDreame’….
ON my OTHER comments at various times…hey…ANY which way to fix it,clean it up,etc. MAYBE drastic,quick n dirty but HEY…
on the streaming out that right..ENOUGH ol timers said as much…thou suspect BROWNS and rest are gonna rely ON good faith or whutever… hey..FANTASY footbal…BROWNIES turned INTO…Ooooorr…sad part…88% right on all THIS but folks STILL gonna patronize Browns,casino,etc.thou Yeahh I remember games of Jacobs,etc.etc. Wow…blast from past..CHEMA… I THINK FINALLY THOU ran out of $,projects,etc. or DEMOGRAPHIC dynamics changing… On Yuppies…hey…tremont..over by QUincy ave..WGW would ONE want to overlook THAT industrial valley and all the *$*@*X…least w/actual Downtown SORTA looks like NYC at nite…
MAYBE at ANOTHER level….HOW reach LEVEL that almost NEED these guyz or WHUTEVER to come into town…or just this enticing void whispering sweet nothings…personally? ME..NEVER attended Browns…stopped in casino ONCE (BEAUTIFUL place..stuck $6 in..won HALF back..paid $2 for some cofee/tip $…BSed w/folks…and FIRST thought syringe container was way to avoid problems /druggies,etc.til realize for insulin injecting diabetics,OTHER…)….Hey..if casino gives some sense of thrill,guyz check out semi pretty hatcheck booze server gals and all that then hey…. CONSIDERING demographics of area least JOBS via kitchen,laundry services,etc.etc.etc. COMPARED ot OTHER ‘projects’ PROBABLY comes CLOSEST to em all…and knocked over some *$@* that HUNG AROUND FOREVER…. SHAME bout STANLEY bldg BUT THAT poor thing WAS MT back in MID 1980s!!!….SAME condition….I HATE to see THAT but…NO one seemed able to find uses…Dillards lucked out cuz of owners HAD….whutever else say bout them they seem to find new life for…
ON syringe container…IN bathrooms…mounted to wall…Just was NOT expecting THAT….MAYBE FIRST time saw that or ONE of few times EVER did…HOPEFULLY as time goes on LESS need for THAT…rather sad commentary…poo slobs that messed up and yet coming to a…I guess take it as a sign folks taking care of selves even if in a casino….
On Tremonts w.4 or 5th street deal over there..Village or Brook SOMETHING burbite style naming…WOW..PRICEY..YIKES…Like $300M on up…ARE NICE,beautiful,etc.etc. and yeah close to all the whutever..STILL…even w/abatements…I WOULD HATE to be a Yuppie even and stuck w/THOSE bills,mortgage,etc. MAYBE Im full of it or a foo… contracts,jobs,etc.DISAPPEAR..things happen..medical disasters…outsourcing,downsizing,tech changes,buyouts,junkbonds,corporate politico intrigue and all the rest of that BS…WOULDNT be first time….A royal *$*@ to fix up a ol A frame..BELIEVE me..and not sure if bank would go along for ride…GOT $14 or $34M houses over THERE..and SOME WORTH LESS THEN “THAT” stated amt..Ohhh my the *$*@ just found…IF I think it is wha I think it is n way placed…NEVER mind….one of the local legends…part of..MOVE on…and PRAY previous whutever HAD….pray OTHERS KNOW THAT tooo and NO nasty visits,etc.etc. SOME INTERESTING conversation BSing w/folks…”ohhh my…”..or LOL ……
LOOKS kinda wild seeing SAME deal goin on elsewhere..GUESS new life..take hope n inspiration were can….IS nice when a place can get rescued…
Ohhh…GEUSS NEW demand for HIGH ceiled big enough factories,WAREHOUSE space…hint hint MAYBE get SOME of these white elephants sold,rented out OR SOMETHING…TIME will tell on shale oil and rest of it..Im SURE wont affect good ol Local whutever..maybe even supplement…SOME REAL outside $ sloshing around for once in a long time…folks CAN relate lot better to all THAT vs. having YOUNGEST female relation being only one really in medico industry or allied….