By Roldo Bartimole
How wise are the smart guys who take the rest of us to the cleaners because we are sports fans – and maybe suckers, too?
It’s not so much a matter of cleverness as influence peddling.
They OWN the politicians and the news media. They are a corrupting force.
With a property tax free football stadium just over a dozen years old and a baseball stadium six years older, these forces are softening us up for another touch.
They want more MONEY! Tax money.
Am I the only one who thinks this way? Not a cent more. Get off the dole, rich guys. I can’t believe it.
Take a look. Here are the three Cleveland sports team-owning families, according to the latest Forbes magazine listing of the richest 400:
– The Dolans – worth $3 billion. That’s 3,000,000,000. Yes, nine zeroes.
– Dan Gilbert – worth $1.9 billion. That’s $1,900.000.000. Yes, that’s a one followed by 9 and eight zeroes.
– Jimmy Haslam – worth $1.2 billion. That’s $1,200,000,000. Yes, that’s a 1 followed by a 2 and eight zeroes.
The Indians, Cavs and Browns. Welfare recipients.
The three owners represent more than six billion dollars in wealth.
That’s a lot of money.
Yet they want handouts. More city and county tax money to spruce up their sports facilities. They really want more money to build revenue enhancement to stadium facilities. To make bigger profits.
Why shouldn’t they get it from you? You’ve paid before.
You may have seen the photo the PD ran a week or so ago of a smiling new Browns owner Jimmy Haslam. He was visiting Cleveland City Council. You’d think by the smiles of the Council members that they were getting something from Haslam. Noooo.
He was asking to pick their constituents’ pockets. And they were smiling. Loving it.
To whom will Council members and Mayor Jackson send the bill? Here to us money-strapped pigeons, as the stats tell:
– Median income of all Cleveland households: $24,687, actually down from $25,928 from 2000 to 2009.
– Media income of all Black Cleveland household: $18,321.
– Median income of a Cleveland family: $17,458.
– Median income of a Cleveland Black family: $12,458.
We’re talking people scratching by.
Now, how do you make sense out of low income people providing any of their scarce income to support sports billionaires? Who could reasonably say this is fair?
Well, our newspaper will. TV stations will. Sportswriters will. Crain’s Cleveland writers will. Columnists will. Joe Roman certainly will. Fred Nance staunchly does.
But can you?
Mayor Frank Jackson, County Executive Ed Fitzgerald and Cleveland City Council – will they? I wouldn’t bet against these sellouts.
The PD photo sickened me.
Councilman Jeff Johnson, Matt Zone, Mamie Mitchell, Marty Sweeney and Tony Brancantelli are all smiling in the photo. So happy to be in the glow of the laughing billionaire. Jimmy’s not laughing with you boys and girls. But at you.
Browns stadium opened in the fall of 1999. The city has paid already for some fix ups. That’s after building the stadium. The cost: Hundreds of millions of dollars and still rising.
Now we’re being told the 73,200 seat stadium on the lakefront needs repairs. Something about the bad weather wear-and-tear on the open stadium.
Not content with the sweetheart deal Jimmy has on the stadium, he wants improvements to bring in more dollars. As one writer put it recently of fans, “They go to games as cash cows, to be milked in corporate barns.”
Just how mercenary are these guys?
At Yankee stadium fans in special seating can order their hot dogs and beer to be served to them. The draft beer at $10.50, working servers complain, comes with a 20 percent ‘service charge.’ But it isn’t a tip to the server. They get nothing. The Yankee-owned concession service takes the tips. How low and grasping can you get?
Haslam now wants the stadium to have a corporate name. And, of course, he wants to take the revenue it will raise. It’s not his.
Former owners – the billionaire Lerner family – had 90-foot by 25-foot Pro-Star animated signs hung on the east and west sides of the stadium, visible from the Shoreway. Electronic ads ran day and night. The signs advertised MBNA, the Lerner bank holding company. Free. They weren’t naming rights, Lerner said. That’s exactly what they were. Now Haslam – the new tenant – wants a name sponsor for the city’s stadium. And collect the revenue for himself.
Shouldn’t the city, which built, owns and repairs the stadium, get the naming rights revenue? Gateway’s baseball and basketball facilities had naming rights. Gateway got the revenue. For a time. But the money now is given to the team owners. Now the teams collect the millions of dollars from Progressive and Quicken Loans for their naming rights.
It’s called sport owner’s greed.
We saw a perfect example of this greed in the fight over chump change that allowed the NFL owners to lock out its referees. Until, of course, the scab referees proved deficient. Embarrassing.
Wealth is ruining this country. And first in line are sports billionaires.
Time to give them the stadiums and the arena. Just give it to them. For a buck. Get it over with.
Then tell them – pay your own bills. Get off the dole. Stop corrupting our city.

In 1991 he was awarded the Second Annual Joe Callaway Award for Civic Courage in Washington, D.C. He received the Distinguished Service Award of the Society of Professional Journalists, Cleveland chapter, in 2002, and was named to the Cleveland Journalism Hall of Fame, 2004. [Photo by Todd Bartimole.]
8 Responses to “ROLDO: Three Cleveland Billionaires Would Like to Pick Your Pockets for More $$$$”
George Enge
To Roldo: PLEASE keep up the great work that you are doing…. George
Roldo Bartimole
Paraskevvas: He’s still part of the family and the way Forbes lists it is “Dolan family.” I guess he can always ask the Cablevision kin for a loan.
Also, if you go to my past posts, a couple down is an accounting of just how much money
we’ve already given these moochers.
If I’m right, the campaign will start soon after the November election for the extension of
the sin tax for at least another 10 years.
The powers that be understand not to show their hand too openly too soon.
They want taxes for the schools and port right now.
GREAT writeup……TOTATLLY agree…I “COULD” be wrong BUT I DO Nooooooooooooot see HOW THE *$*@ blank politicos can back THIS dome thing…CONSIDERING ALL THE *$*@ across the board that has gone down…county corruption to Wall st.fiascoes n fraud to…
TALKED w/some fellow co workers…who are AGAINST this…INSANE HI COST beer (what $7 each or something like that) and hotdogs ($5 +/-)…ONE is gonna soon retire..68 yrs old…
THEY NEED TO HAVE A GOOD TEAM..NEED SOMETHING DOWN on the field!!! HAVE the stadium and all the rest… IF need a TEAM of “REFRIGERATOR” or old Time BROWNS DOG POUND DAWGS then so be it…along w/a Kenny Lofton who run like a jackrabbit…
I am NOT gonna speak for Mz.FITZ! HIMSELF…One of the quiet types…HE may like to rip ME ONE for semi commenting but HEY…IF I WAS HIM…WHY GOSH WHY…U EXPECT ME to back X…U KNOW OTHERS gonna TRY n hang him out to…Especially if IF HE does run fo other gov positions…I dont know THAT YET for sure thou pundits seem to suggest that which I CAN understand but THAT is up to FITZ!…Yeahh got construction guyz n all ‘THAT”..aka jobs,etc.whether flinging fabbed sheetwork or THEORITICALLY MORE biz for rest of Downtown cuz THEORITICALLY more ‘ideal weather conditions’ to play in…wha so SOME poor slobs get to ‘bus’ some tables,etc. while gals earn tip $ doing their jazz (n giggle off to nursing/massage therapist/paralegal ‘school’ while mega $ GOES TO…HARD thing to swallow…
THIS AINT 1995 or 1999 ….. A LOT OF *$*@C&*&@ has gone under the bridge SINCE THEN AND THEN SOME….
As the one commenter stated…I think it was George…on the SCHOOL thing…I JUST dont know..I DOUBT whutever else the merits,demerits of the levy and Breakthrough School charterthing that the levy will pass…I COULD be wrong…PORT AUTHORITY ?! WT*… THIS esoteric remote wallflower relatively tiny agency THINKING IT IS SOME Enronesque “BANK” THAT MAY n HAS gotten itself into *$@*…FIVE MGRS FLED OUT of THERE when spotlight turned on them by PD when that Wassserman was running the show n racked up WHAT kind of deficit… $600 MILLION for a NEWBIE MOVED container wannabe port deal..US..HERE…NOW?! HOW much industry downsized,merged,smartsized,SPECIALIZED,NICHE type mfg,etc. HOW MUCH of the STATE has gone thru SAME jazz….MAYBE FOR A WHOLE REGION…is it doable…or gonnna stuck w/PRICEY GEAR,space n go BANRKUPT….
U are the City..U want to take a chance on Port guyz after ALL THIS being the Saviors? I WOULDNT… UNLESS SECRET plan to *$@* the whole thing, STATE WALTZES in n takes said over… MAY NOT stop THERE…HOW many want to go to JAIL, “CANNED”,etc. HOW many can ‘negotiate’ SEVERNACE WAY a Wasserman sorta had..or way CH HAD for Mr.W… WHO wants to go down THAT road n have a ulcer trip… if ME…I WOULD RATHER have a SMALL contract to build X then TAKE CHANCES ON A ANOTHER CUYAHOGA COUNTY CORRUPTIN HORROR SHOW…ask FAT JIMMY n rest how all THAT went…NOT tooooo goooood…. SUPRISED HE ‘didnt faint’…. I AM ONLY a bystander and maybe LOT OF $*@* is under the surface BUT…BUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut……THAT WHOLE TH$*@**X** has GONE ON N ON….NO IDEA IF “USED” as THIS STALKING HORSE OR WHAT it is… I WOULD STICK TO BEING THE RIVER DREDGER ….WHACK corners of river BACK…along w/IRISH BEND…
U GOT ME on a roll…PORT thing… HOW MANY OTHER ‘ports’ gonna TRY n follow SAME tack or track as were…I DONT see it happening..I COULD be wrong…
MAYBE going on a side tangent here BUT THE PORT THING n THEIR biz…or LACK OF….Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….MAYBE “CLEVELANDs” ARCELLOR MITTAL MAY finally collapse..least THIS mill…SHEET steel..ESPECIALLY the automotive kind…NANO material among other things may or has displaced steel and even aluminum…I DON’T know THAT for sure EITHER BUT CONSIDERING…U dont think THEY haven’t THOUGHT OF THAT possibility among other things… Hey…LOT has changed EVEN since LTV collapse..NEVER mind days of J&L and Republic Steel and rest of it…I AM NOT trying to give THEM grief BUT…LOOK AT THE AVERAGE car…or LACK OF…HALF THE WEIGHT of what used to weigh…OIL costs WHAT..or had..OR COULD AGAIN…I REALLY DONT want to go down ANOTHER SIDE ISSUE BUT….
THERE ARE OTHER river based industries,etc. I will grant U…but THAT need to do big time dredging may NOT be as intense…NOT trying to jinx that or any other similar mills but…