VIDEO REVIEW: Pandemonium, CPT’s Annual Benefit/Awards Bash 9/8/12


Each September Cleveland Public Theatre brings to Gordon Square a party like no other. This past Saturday night was no different. Just how peculiar this event was became obvious as I approached the entrance to the Gordon Theatre, where most of the action took place. To emphasize this year’s event theme, House of Dreams, actors were sleeping on the edges of the sidewalk, dressed for bed, wearing pjs and their hair in wound in curlers, hugging blankies and stuffed animals. And that is where the yawning ended. The bizarre atmosphere was no dream and the side show continued as stilt walkers beckoned me to come inside, if I dared.

The Gordon Theatre, CPTs home and the main stage for Pandemonium, is a rugged space and a worthy backdrop for the curious line up of performances. Modern and ballet dancers, a DJ and even middle-Eastern belly dancers cavorted on and off stage all evening. The main floor of the theatre was set with rows of tables overflowing with a mash up of food provided by some of Northeast Ohio’s best restaurants. Think hummus and hot dogs, cheeses and corn chowder, sausage stuffed peppers and vast assortments of finger foods constantly being restocked by eager volunteers, which was a good thing, because this crowd was not politely holding back their appetites. Copious amounts of food and drink was devoured.

Most of the rest of the action took place in the lot next to the main theatre and the smaller buildings located there, like inside an old church or a converted garage, set up under tents or in alley crevices and back rooms of the theatre. This is where stand up comedy, short plays, performance arts, interpretive dances, poetry readings, interactive electronic displays, films, rappelling, singing, music and all of other manner of performance was conducted. Top that off with roving acts like giant bobble heads, human flamingos, an actor in a panda costume and a magician, just to name a few. The effect was … pandemonium!

Mid way through the evening the attention was focussed back on the main stage where the man of the evening, CPT’s executive artistic director Raymond Bobgan held court and honored the 2012 PAN Award Recipients, Jakki & Fred Nance, as well as thanking the appropriate politicians in attendance and the many other people who made the evening possible. Directly after this a long saffron-hued sash was lowered from the ceiling and a lanky acrobat mesmerized the crowd with her daring performance right above them. Dessert was then rolled out, served on round white tables that had centerpieces of actors obscured under lace and mesh decorations while performing and entertaining the dessert crowd in slow motion. Finally a DJ took the stage and no one could hold back from dancing, or at the very least rhythmically moving in some way to the pervasive beat.

If you have never experienced CPT’s annual Pandemonium party and you are adventurous, be sure to get in on Cleveland’s most rollicking escapade next year. Find out more about Pandemonium at CPT’s web site here.


Carol Drummond has been a professional designer for 25 years. Prior to starting her award-winning graphic design studio 18 years ago, Drummond Design, she graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, worked at a graphic design studio, a video production company, and a consumer products company. Carol currently serves as chairman of the COSE Arts Network Advisory Committee.

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