Go ahead, pull your hair out, then send it to artist Grainne Bird from Kildare, Ireland who is in town to create a world-premiere exhibit of her artwork which is made with her medium of choice – human hair. Ms. Bird is in Cleveland for a six-month artist-in-residence program with native Cleveland experience artists Melissa Daubert. She is creating her artwork in Ms. Daubert’s Gordon Square studio and is seeking additional human hair donations from residents of NEO to have enough to use in creating the artwork for her exhibit which will take place later this fall.
Down to here, down to there, and spaghetti. It does not matter what length your hair is or how much of it you need to have cut, Ms. Bird will take any length and all donated hair. And that goes for color too. Donation of human hair can be made anytime, but if you want a free haircut in the process, a hair-raising event will take place at Tomorrow’s A Hair Salon on Sun 9/23, 3 – 6 p.m. Tomorrow’s A Hair Salon is located at 19300 Detroit Avenue, on the second floor of Beachcliff Market Square, in Rocky River. Other perks for those who attend the event include chocolates from Malley’s, massages and more.
Watch as Cool Cleveland senior correspondent Carol Drummond interviews the artist in her studio where she shows us some of her raw materials, samples of the artwork she creates with the human hair and explains how you can get involved – and get a free haircut in the process.
To support the work of Irish artist-in-residence Grainne Bird and reserve your slot for a free hair cut on Sun 9/23, contact Tomorrow’s A Hair Salon, or email Ms. Bird at look@gbird.net. You can see samples of Grainne Bird’s artwork that is made with human hair at http://gbird.net. Be sure to check back for details about her world-premiere exhibit to be held this fall, and see if you can find your hair on display!
Now, if you have a case of trichotillomania, please don’t pull out your hair, but check this website: http://www.trich.org/about/hair-pulling.html.
Carol Drummond has been a professional designer for 25 years. Prior to starting her award-winning graphic design studio 18 years ago, Drummond Design, she graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, worked at a graphic design studio, a video production company, and a consumer products company. Carol currently serves as chairman of the COSE Arts Network Advisory Committee. http://www.DrummonDesign.com