The perfect host for parasites – The human body?

Mon 5/14 @ 6:30pm

Parasites. (Yuck.) Like ’em or not, they’re everywhere… so might as well explore the ones among us at the next Science Cafe Cleveland. Kinda fascinating once you get past the yuck factor.

Did you know: “Parasites are the most proliferative organisms on earth that have adapted to survive in or on other organisms. Every animal alive is parasitized – even some parasites are parasitized by other parasites.

“For the human species, the diversity of parasitic animals has molded human history and human genetics, and even today parasites are among us just as prevalent as they have been for thousands of years.

“Join Dr. Emmitt Jolly in discussion of some of their lifestyles, from the perspective of the parasite and of the parasite’s host, initially focusing on small human schistosome worms that can live for over 20 years.”

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