By Roldo Bartimole
Will somebody please notice that our state, county and local governments are stuffing the craw of big businesses — you know the 1 percent — with tons of free money.
We’re providing holiday gifts to all kinds of private businesses.
It hardly gets noticed. The press never keeps an eye on this sleaze.
Hey, it’s only our tax money.
The new welfare culture demands that the dole is for those who have more than enough already while those who have nothing or less can swim for themselves.
Is this anywhere near fair?
When our local schools are dying from lack of financial support. The word is also out that half our population is now either poor or low income and so many are finding the street their new un-foreclosed homes.
I don’t know what the difference is between poor or low income. Maybe they mean impoverished and people just plain old broke.
Let’s not worry too much. Instead, play the Star Spangled Banner. Let’s have a parade.
(I wonder also when the Plain Dealer editorialists will request billionaire Randy Lerner to pay some property taxes on the stadium as it demands Cleveland teachers provide extra dough in these tough times. Lerner, thanks to Fred Nance’s negotiated lease, pays no property taxes. Nance now works for Lerner’s Browns. What could be more natural in a give-away culture?)
It was amusing to read Brent Larkin’s weepy distress in the Sunday’s Plain Dealer about the city and inner suburbs’ poisonous decline. Where has he been? 60 Minutes has to come to town to wake him up. Oh, that’s right — he was backing every give-away from huge subsidies to Dick Jacobs and the Ratners at Public Square to Gateway to Browns Stadium to every conceivable downtown corporate gift. And really he is still doing that.
He kind of missed the total disintegration of Cleveland. He wasn’t looking in that direction.
Brent, much of this happened while you directed the editorial voice of our major morning daily, which, by the way, has even gotten worse since you left. How, I don’t know. Betsy Sullivan should be ashamed of herself. The critical letters about the PD-backed proposed gasification plant in the same Sunday paper give hints of the paper’s editorial ineptness. Or is it just the usual fraud.
In the meantime, Ohio Gov. John Kasich was ready last week to give a struggling Sears — a company some investors believe won’t even be around very long — some $400 million in subsidies to relocate to Ohio. $400 million! Yes. Not a typo. The result: Illinois, its home, jumped its bribe from $100 million to some $275 million to keep Sears from escaping to Ohio.
Thank you, Gov. Kasich. Sears stockholders thank you, too.
States and communities are bidding up the free money so that no one wins but the corporates. It’s an extortion game.
We have a give-away sickness that has been growing for decades that says we have to enrich corporate interests or they’ll take themselves elsewhere. These businesses, like American Greetings, have the loyalty of Albert Pujols and LeBron James.
Kasich helped Diebold supposedly to stay in Ohio with a bribe — that’s what I called these corporate financial deals from government — of more than $100 million in tax credits and low interest loans. These are not penny ante bribes.
It hardly makes a ripple of discontent from anybody.
American Greetings showed its loyalty to Brooklyn — its home for more than 50 years! — by taking $93.5 million in the dole from government to move to Westlake. Goodbye suckers.
Bob Evans got $8 million to stay pat. Surely, Bob needed it. Cancel my reservation.
In one of the most disgusting deals, the Ohio Dept. of Development gave a $10 million loan (1 percent and structured so maybe none will be paid back) to help in the purchase of Nationwide arena in Columbus, supposedly to keep a National Hockey League club from leaving the city. Much more likely, however, the dole was to take a financial load off private owners — Nationwide Insurance and the crummy Columbus Dispatch. Both needy Ohio institutions, don’t you think?
We know here in Cleveland that generosity begins with our politicians. Come and get it! If a politician can’t give favored business interests free money, what good are they? And it all has come from Democratic politicians.
It has become a corrosive way of doing public business. Even though government can’t do anything, according to the belief of same people taking this graft.
Democratic Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald surely wants to join the parade. How better to ingratiate himself with the powers that be.
FitzGerald wants to use the county sales taxes to help fund a $100 million kitty to better feed corporate appetites in Cuyahoga County. Another hundred million!
Is that really the highest need for scarce public funds? Especially now. I think not. We know not.
What does he tell us is the purpose of these generous gifts? Jobs, of course. It’s always jobs — for our people.
Yet this same FitzGerald is dumping County employees with ease. Cutting jobs wholesale. FitzGerald, we already suspect, wants Kasich’s job and he’s willing to pay for it with County taxes. What a guy!
If there are public jobs to be dumped there must be public jobs that need to be filled. I think that’s what some on the County Council were trying to say during the recent budget discussions.
This kind of civic corruption doesn’t rate the prosecution it deserves. It’s corrupting us, although it is not against the law per se.
It is helping to destroy our civic life.
Maybe FitzGerald should worry more about the County’s needs and not private business. Let our outstanding business brains take care of their businesses. Let’s keep the government out of their way. Isn’t that cry heard often enough from them?
Maybe he should be telling us how the County is going to find the millions of dollars it needs to do something with its deteriorated East 9th properties. An old bailout of Dick Jacobs and company from prior County administrators. Helping needy Dick Jacobs.
Have we all forgotten about THAT County disaster and its ongoing cost to taxpayers? A continuing fiscal disaster.
I can’t possibly tote up how much public money has gone to private corporate interests in Cleveland. It’s been quite a bundle. I have over the last three decades made a good stab at the hundreds of millions of dollars that have gone from city, county and state governments. To private interests.
All in the name of jobs and community improvement. Hurray for Joe Roman and Joe Marinucci.
Meanwhile, those who draw the big salaries — with the help of our dumbed down media — tell us all the POSITIVE stuff that’s happening here — without the balancing news of our continued staggering decline.
Wake up!
Frankly, it may be too late. But let’s wake up anyway.
Roldo Bartimole celebrates 50 years of news reporting this year. He published and wrote Point of View, a newsletter about Cleveland, for 32 years. He worked for the Plain Dealer and Wall Street Journal in the 1960s.
He was a 2004 Cleveland Journalism Hall of Fame recipient and won the national Joe Callaway Award for Civic Courage in 1991. [Photo by Todd Bartimole.]
55 Responses to “ROLDO: Public Welfare – Shifted From the Poor to Corporations”
Mary Anne Sharkey
Roldo: I value your insight and viewpoint and have read your opinion pieces for many years.
But I need to correct the timeline on the PD’s support of Gateway. Brent Larkin was not the editorial page editor I was and the editorial supporting the Gateway ballot issue was on my watch. I also remind you that the issue was placed on the ballot and passed by Cuyahoga County taxpayers.
While you may disagreed – and remain opposed to the Gateway vote – that is fine. But I do not regard a voter imposed tax increase as a corporate give-away. Nor do I think continuing to malign Brent Larkin for this is fair commentary.
Happy Holidays – Mary Anne
Yep. There’s been a shift in business. It used to be you had to make a superior product, market it, and give good service. Now it is becoming more important to know how to milk all the “programs” the government sets up to give yo freebie moochies.
Well, first – “When our local schools are dying from lack of financial support” – is that really true or are they dying from waste and fraud? Second, yes, the deals made to keep companies in town are sleazy – but what choice do the political hacks have. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Third, did American Greetings and other companies leave the city for the lure of suburban tax abatement only or were they fed up with the lack of city services? Fourth – if this is all so sleazy – why haven’t the media reported it more?
Do not forget the sordid unrestricted tax monies given to the six figure salaries for the rock and roll hall of fame , and the inept bunch of frauds that set the notion of public radio back , wcpn.
These grifters should be ashamed of themselves by sucking away at the public titty so hard , and leaving teeth marks as well.
Though Terry ” world class record collection ” Stewart or any of the leeches at the ultimate oxymoron , ” ideastream ” have no shame , just large enough pockets to toss their high paychecks in.
John Polk
I found it ironic that the PD should rhapsodize over the trash-to-gas project, unreservedly as always, even as SCENE was running a thorough and thoughtful article casting a skeptical eye on both the technology and the politics of the deal. Skepticism, if I remember my high school journalism correctly, is supposed to be a hallmark of good reporting. Apparently the entire PD Editorial Board missed that class…
And your observations regarding the inbred nature of our county’s political corruption are also right on point. As the PD has shot fish in a barrel…taking on some of our elected political goons and the doofuses dumb enough to be caught handing them bribes on video tape, the paper has been ever-so-dainty in overlooking the BIG thefts going on at the hands of the sharks in the nice suits…facilitated by the mandarins whom they’ve groomed and compensated very well to do their bidding.
I’m old enough to remember when those perpetrating this nonsense at least had the decency to hide behind the veneer of “economic development.” As part of the residue of the culture of public larceny left behind by Mike White (most of today’s usual suspects learned how to steal at his knee), they’ve frankly abandoned any pretense of working for the public good.
The very nakedness of their self-interest is nearly as appalling as the complete sense of disconnectedness of their activities from any modicum of civic good. They’re basically pissing on our heads and telling us it’s raining, but they don’t care if we believe them or not. Because they have the power to do the pissing…
Roldo Bartimole
We’re on the same page again John.
Don’t exactly enjoy your descriptive pissing
activity but can’t argue against it.
By the way the Scene piece that destroyed
the trash to gas game was written by Maude
Campbell who also beat the PD on the Med
Mart’s self-destruction direction. Hats off to her.
Better we let this companies leave and go to other cities? Cleveland is struggling but we need more industry, not less. The less people living and working in the city, the less money we have for things like education. The investments in downtown would not be possible without the cities hard work and money. Go look at other areas in the country that have lost companies due to their unwillingness to offer incentives. You want us to wake up? Maybe you should take your own advice.
John Polk
Clearly you have not seen “Urinetown: The Musical”…
Sandy Maline
I couldn’t agree more but where is the call to action? We can sit around and complain about it or we can get off our butts and do something? Any suggestions? I’m in!
Roldo Bartimole
Mary Ann: If you read what I wrote I said that “much of this happened” while Larkin was editorial head. I did not specify Gateway, although he
did support Gateway as the paper’s lead political columnist. He also did
not watchdog Gateway, as I believe he wrote should happen.
Now, as a public relations person involved with many of the main actors in town – political and otherwise – and as you say editorial director of the PD during the Gateway vote, I think you have very little standing to speak as someone without conflicts.
You may remember that just before the Gateway vote the PD printed on its op-ed pages a long piece by Mayor White making various promises – including up to 28,000 jobs and no tax abatement. Both proved false. He personally, on a corporate jet, flew to Columbus to lobby for not only tax abatement for the entire Gateway real estate area but for TAX EXEMPTION.
l don’t remember either you or Larkin calling him on his deceptions.
But thanks for reading and writing.
And as a former consultant to Mike White you also have little legitimate standing to
John Polk
For public relations professionals (especially politically connected ones), to paraphrase magician Harry Blackstone, the essence of spin is misdirection…
Given that, thanks to Mike White, Fred Nance, Joseph Roman, and the rest of the usual suspects, the public never HAS learned the true cost to the taxpayers of Cleveland Browns Stadium, Internet Phenom Mike Polk’s evocation of a “factory of sadness” has more than one meaning.
I have no quarrel, per se, with the extension of incentives for corporate relocation or retention. But the fog of deception which companies (and their amoral facilitators) brazenly raise about the “economic development impact” justifying this sort of greenmail is only slightly more contemptible than the elected officials (greased with liberal political contributions from The Men Behind The Curtain) who cravenly buy their claims with no questions asked…and with no accountability for making bad public decisions.
And these con jobs DO come with a high opportunity cost, taking resources away from other, potentially more productive, forms of economic development investment.
I don’t always agree with Roldo’s invectives, but there’s enough truth in them to make the question of who was sitting in what chair at the time one or another decision was made irrelevant. Whether Mary Anne Sharkey, or Brent Larkin, or Elizabeth Sullivan, or Alex Machaskee or Terry Eggar were involved in any specific civic outrage (be it Gateway, Browns Stadium, the Juvenile Justice Center, or the Med Mart/convention center), the fact remains that, when it comes to the private political intrigue which has directed literally billions of public dollars (we don’t really know how many, do we?) into the hands of private developers with very little public accountability, the PD has been not just asleep at the switch…it’s been leading the parade, and giving valuable political cover to the perpetrators.
And because none of these grifters has ever been elected, the only way to hold them accountable is to shine a white-hot spotlight on them and embarrass them publicly…the role which is supposedly played by an independent press. Which is why, of course, we must read about it in SCENE…or occasionally, COOL CLEVELAND.
Roldo Bartimole
John: That’s well put.
You will never see any true accounting of the massive dole some have been on but it would be shocking to the public.
The PD and the atrocious broadcast media would never take a true accounting.
It allows, as some above have stated, that if we don’t do it we will lose out.
Well, we DO do it and we are losing out.
Mary Anne Sharkey
Roldo: I believe your voice is important to the community, and we need more and varied opinions. Fortunately the internet is giving people that kind of marketplace.
But I do think there is an important distinction when voters approve a tax such as for Gateway. Repeatedly I called for the county commissioners to put Med Mart and Convention Center on the ballot while appearing on Tom Beres’ Between the Lines show. I fully agree that these taxes should not be imposed on people.
Voters in Cuyahoga County have consistently approved levies for Tri-C, mental health, and the arts.
Just for the record, I am not on Mike White’s Christmas card list!
Happy Holidays. – Mary Anne
Roldo Bartimole
Merry Christmas to you too.
PS: The vote on Gateway was close and the forces in favor had big money advantages. In Cleveland, which pays the highest price, the vote was against the Gateway sin taxes, which continue today for Browns stadium and the noise suggests an extension of the tax with the money to be plowed back into Gateway enhancements for the Dolans and the Gilberts, both from very wealthy families.
When do they start to pick up their own costs?
bob w.
BRUNSWICK,MEDINA county,etc.THANK U Cleveland….SAD part…REAL ECON whutever….DOWN to some brilliant minds doing medico or prototype work..or SHALE OIL….vs.welll EH..HEY….FINALLY RUN OUT OF $..or politico stomach for ‘such’….MAY EXPLAIN the uproar…TIME will tell on FITZ! NO…not suprised on POTENTIAL FUTURE politico…midaged fellow at X level…COULD go back to FBI….or other…HIS ‘call’…FIRST has to serve out HIS FIRST term….WAS running a PAC warchest…ALMOST WOULD hate to show someone around…BROWNS? Im near 50…UNLESS SOMEONE mucks up BIG time on OTHER side wont win in my lifetime..RATHER go to Gladiators…or anything..vs.freezing coconuts off…MAY EXPLAIN ALL the tailgate…vs.EXCUSE me pardon me,Ouch,sooo sorry..excuse me..sorry BOUT that…NOW got newbie CASINO..let u decide….NEW ‘toy’…equal opportunity whutever…SOME OUT OF TOWN ‘visitor’ to MedieMartMavenMiracle drops by n flings a few $s at a table,etc. “THAT” crew REAL WINNERS….. BizDOM! GOT SERIOUS DOUBTS….suspect this bizzaro fling it out there WHUTEVER ….maybe “FOREST” has LAST gasp great HOPES Gilbert magic SOMEHOW spills over n fill more space….I SEE MORE ol bldsg LEVELED n PARKING PARKING….whoever can lobby,scream loudest…QUITE FRANKLY…..SHOW up…Oohhh..Okkk..Coool…$5 down…buy a coffee n sandwhich…check it out…make guards n security suspicious…tell em wha a crock of n walk out door…SADDEST part…12,000 FELT obliged to fill out applications…BE happy when HALF this crew FILLING OUT SSI applictions….have the easy chairs,tea,weak beer,TVs,handicap facilities ready n willing…..
Soooooo FAR TOBY C only one who seems to have the LuvFest SORTA w/MedIMart…IS *$*@ when Yeahh TECH BIO MEDICO gear companies have OWN ‘showrooms’….LIMITS…NOT exactly like a auto show…ONLY soo many firms in X fields….
bob w.
BizDom…SOME whutever small biz incubator maybe type deal…ALREADY got this wiggedout NGONonprofit whutever giggling around….whutever say bout OLD firms..and lot of *$*@ went on…LEAST THEY made real products,etc.etc.n somehow said got out the door….
SUSPECT HALF THE INNERbelt bridge work is for said casino,etc. DONT know THAT for sure….
bob w.
AMAZING PART….STILL GOT ALL THIS building of monster bldgs…I GUESS whotever latest mgmt who wants new digs…LOSING BANKS to whutever else AND YET…mindblowing…EVENTUALLY this *$*@ of rents….OR should be….SUPPOSEDLY THIS bigtime NEWBIE YUPPIE rental n homeowner whutever going on NOW…MAYBE A OUT for ol Ameritrust/CleveTrust complex…OUR ‘out’….TIME will tell on ol County bldg dooown on ONTARIO….TALK of putting hotel,more MMPI space,WHUTEVER “THERE”…TIME will tell…MORE STORIES FOR PD…etc. SAD….. SURROUNDING COUNTIES thank U….n countless whutever who said *$*@ it…THAT crew had lived in apts to whutever else…sooo NOT as much of a….hey…SMARTEST F’s maybe the ones w/cheap houses…cram said w/insulation…insurance is a *$@*…ohhh well…if burns or whutever then Sh*t happens n move onto some other wreck….
IRONWORKERS move ONTO SHALE OIL projects cuz REST done,NOT doable,broke,POLITICO suicide....MMPIs "Legacy"(ONE OF)
GONNA RUN out of projects….SERIOUSLY…NO $ to NO whutever…PITY FITZ! SOoo FAR THIS NEAR REAGANESQUE TEFLONESQUE ‘quality’…SUSPECT MMPI FINALLY SLAYED ‘projects’….I COULD be wrong…DEAR ironworkers and rest…ONTO SHALE OIL…Yooooo!!!
IRONWORKERS move ONTO SHALE OIL projects cuz REST done,NOT doable,broke,POLITICO suicide....MMPIs "Legacy"(ONE OF)
CAN pic it now….pipelines,rigs,tanks,mini bridges,storage bldgs,SOME breakwalls,etc. OR just say blank it n go for techie training n become HVAC or other….LOT of usually have MULTIPLE licensing,certification….KNEW ONE THAT HAD FIVE…carpenter,mason,electrician….EVERYTHING bout a architect….
IRONWORKERS move ONTO SHALE OIL projects cuz REST done,NOT doable,broke,POLITICO suicide....MMPIs "Legacy"(ONE OF)
Mr.CASINO n rest….BETTER believe panting FOR….just like goldminers,etc.of old….SEES ALL THAT $$$ sloshing around…I CAN pic carloads,busloads,etc.OF….half the fun is seeing Internet gaming companies and rest doin politico,legalbegal battles on all this stuff…..
IRONWORKERS move ONTO SHALE OIL projects cuz REST done,NOT doable,broke,POLITICO suicide....MMPIs "Legacy"(ONE OF)
CAN tell Mr.Roldo peeved…SHARKEY..wooow…BLAST OUT OF THE PAST….PS..Im NOT the ironworkers..to avoid THAT legalbattle…if I was THEM THOU…WHA DO AFTER the projects? SERIOUSLY….THEN AGAIN GOT lot of *$*@ up bridges,etc.around here….heck..even regular roadwork IS BAD ENOUGH…HOW many can deal w/THAT kind of strenious work…MAYBE Im full of it BUT to sit back and watch alllll this *$*@ go on….
DO I SNIFF RECEIVERSHIP here? CITY..or some of the projects…..I DONT know HONESTLY if a ‘kid’ (or anyone else) for THAT matter cares alll THAT much HOW much BROWNIE ELF stadium ‘costs’…rah rah for X…or OTHERS cuz X LOSES Alllll the time….I FIND IT X ….This Shrine….MAYBE just way of upbringin or whutever….Yeahhh gets into all THAT…players make X mega $s n all THAT jazz…SUSPECT EVEN NOW if HAD REHASH OF 1990s BROWNS thing n MODEL MAULING WE PROBABLY would REDO this …THEN AGAIN JUST WENT THRU H of a whutever….ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL of it….posted THAT ‘question’ during a meet n greet BS session in backoffice…WAS A ‘pause’…ROLLED THAT thought THEIR minds….THEY said PROBABLY would have done same thing aka tax thing to build newbie stadium…..
IRONWORKERS move ONTO SHALE OIL projects cuz REST done,NOT doable,broke,POLITICO suicide....MMPIs "Legacy"(ONE OF)
PUT THIS ANOTHER WAY…MEGA BIL $$$s for WHA exactly were for HOW few wannabe Yups relatively speaking while get legalbegalindustrial complex goin thru justice ctr n then waltz over to warehouse Dist for or to do ‘lunch’….A WAREHOUSE DIST.makes sense..EXISTS…any n all..REASONABLY priced,etc.has it all…RELATIVELY LITTLE RISK…whutever else say bout certain entities they carried THAT home…vs.THIS hairyfairytale WTF blank Miss MayorJane C n this bizzaro FIGEMENT NEWBIE city OUT ON BURKE LAKEFRONT AIRPORT land….TRY n peddle X to….I HATE NAMING NAMES but got feeling WHUTEVER have is gonna be it…
"SHARKEYSCAREDnSHAKING"..set up tacticaltankmeetsLiveshot.com type biz...RUNNING OUT OF $,politico will,etc.ALREADY to SILLYSEASON....
the Name? QUAY 55…HOW many of these MT nester loftlivingwhuteverYo type deals are there..HOW many news anchors to sports crew to…HOW much ‘support’ firms can there be TO pander to….Wha telling me…SECURITIES firms n rest THAT desparate to shake the tree?! Goooooood luck…MAYBE im missing something here….ALMOST seems surreal here….if to ask anyone THEIR ‘interpretation’….WAIT AWHILE…let X screw up n let earth,wind,fire level X…poor Eastside and increasingly West side…LEAST eastside can peddle land for HOSPITALS,medico,universities (TIME will tell on THAT biz ‘model’…aka brick n mortar…)…
GET THIS ANGRY $*@* from Mz.SHARKEY…this “FILING”…or nada..aint gonna dignify….
DEAR INTERESTS…. liveshot.com if Virginia doesnt want…..hey..keeps the guyz busy…pass deer meat n other onto foodbanks….SILLYSEASON ALREADY….just tell that to certain cops….THEY debate whether to let X tear the *$*@ out of the ol *$*@….
"SHARKEYSCAREDnSHAKING"..set up tacticaltankmeetsLiveshot.com type biz...RUNNING OUT OF $,politico will,etc.ALREADY to SILLYSEASON....
Moderator crew…just trying to prevent lawsuits,etc.IF NO other value to comments NOT posted…least FYI TO coolcleve n rest…NOT afraid to state X…PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE…heck..DRIVE by X…
Mr.ROLDO is being kind,considerate,observent…and MAYBE SAVE SOULS THIER sanity,pocketbooks….AFRAID whutever good contributions,value,etc.Yuppies to rest have done or could do is gonna be overshadowed by wellll HEY….GONNA GET HARDER n HARDER for ‘think tanks’ to quantify much less anything else w/this stuff….
PUT ANOTHER way…CSU..LEVINE college…SUPPOSEDLY this number one or 2 urban study whutever IN USA….YET..Yeett…mr.Kasich&Co.CUT OUT how much ‘financing’grants,whutever to THAT crew…lost 2 profs or lost $ TO do ‘studies’…. PUT IT THIS way…flittin thru media…or goin up to any average slob…post X question or observation….THIS ‘disconnect’….get this QUIZZICAL “THAT” WTF *$*@ “LOOK”….WE NEED X n peddling this SillySeason Wha the blank type stuff see in certain local ‘rags’….wha get X alll *$ off…REACHING POINT soo much of THIS stuff its like Oh Okkk Whhuuuteverrr n wrap fish,paintbrush,etc.UP in…
IVE heard people say WERE ARE U ON…I WISH SOMETHING…CONSIDERING alll the *$*@…n maybe THIS IS MY el cheapo ‘therapy’….I REALIZE global econ n all THAT…NOT OUT to *$*@ someones projects …BUT….if someone wants to throw X into a building or project hey go for it…BUT IT IS STILL CLEVELAND…. U KNOW HOW SILLY THIS looks…storefront rehab paint program…gussy up X…waiit a few yrs…THEN level x n fling some straw around…put up some RR ties…never mind drag sofa OVER said..or ‘other’ just to be a ….wave to the nice people as they go by….”Fathers” just prayin X giggles out to BubbaSouthernLand n THEIR problem…
HERES A THOUGHT!!! DEAR POLITICOS…STAND THERE..DEFEND X…SERIOUSLY…SOME councilpeople got alll *$@ cuz felt SLUNG w/arrows…to be FAIR YES LOT OF STUFF OUT OF HANDS OF….DETROIT Soooooo *$*@ this upppp BEYOND BELIEF….never mind GREENMAIL,mergers and all the rest of it…and X sniffs chance to peddle X…how I see it….
I CANT be the only putz who feels this way…..
JohnD.R.of standard Oil fame laughin head off watching this REhash of Risingoil via shale oil....
SAD DOOOWN on knees prayin PRAYIN FOR oil companies to get HERE to do their deed….good ol JOHN D. HIMSELF probably LAUGH HIS HEAD OFF watching alllll THIS…a 100 to 120 yrs later AND OIL STILL BigDeal..MAYBE THEE DEAL..ag is BIGGER biz in collective sense…$s($88 bil),size,politico,etc.DEAR whutever..U like to eat right..Have we got a deal for u…FEW trump cards THIS country has….
SOLAR n rest is growing…BUT A TUFF sell…HOW many solar panels does one see AROUND HERE…DATE back to CarterCardigansweaterDaze…a FEW in 44136 zipcode..EVEN 2 in 44212…ON side of house..WOoow…MAJOR jazz…kinda neat…
THIS MAY get ME into trouble…..THAT “MASON”…running HIS ‘time’ out…ONE OF FEW survivors out of CUyahoga COunty COnundrum politico mess….THAT soooo *$*@ it alllllll HE HAD NO choice BUT to leave….CONSIDERING Alll the *$*@ over TARP to rest of it nearly impossible for HIM to peddel windturbines….practice eco law or something AFTERWARDS…giggle of to some EcoWatchTower type NGOnonprofit 503C1 type deal…GOT FEELING certain huge local ‘utility’ happy to see ALL THIS or THAT get *$*@up the tailpipe……got OTHER big ‘interests’ snaking NG lines alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll over the place….the battle is on…HOW much do STANDALONE wind,solar projects cost..SOME small $ deals…ENOUGH for hotwatertank n maybe A ROOM..hey…BUT…
PUT THIS ANOTHER WAY…..SOooo messed up AVERAGE crackhead is shaking head thinking wha a bunch of BS….
WE live in a global instanteous whutever type world…TODAYS hot econ cyber app is tomorrows museum piece…WHO is gonna blow mega dollars TRYING to chase some MAYBE Yuppesque type deal….MAYBE im missing something here….MAYBE I am being a Luddite bout THIS…not sure…SOME of this stuff makes sense…
TRYING NOT to nane Names or fave THIS biz or model or gear or whutever OVER that one or THIS or whutever…TRYING NOT to get offtrack here..BUT GIST was,is,whutever TO chase allll these hipchicTwiiterFlutterstutrtechnoGeeks via X…basically if do X or fling out IDEA of X they will come type deal…MAYBE way to go…I CAN understand WHY chase that idea…BUT on way to THAT “PromisedLand” THEY soooo mucked n maligned that up n BLOATED It up beyond belief…SUSPECT ALL glam ON in this lastgaspgraspLifeBoatMoment…
FYI..for coolcleveland or Roldos bennie…least a STREETLINE.com makes SENSE…ESPEC.if have insane parking situation w/casino coming to town…..X gets sooo *$@* off by circling,craning neck,looking for parking signs and all the rest of the jazz…NEVER mind OTHER stuff….HATE doin boosters work for em…U can be SURE THAT DIE by the techno crew lookin into it allllll…
Yeahhh verboise puppy….U got your el cheapo biz incubator analyst here….
HOW fast PULLED DOWN ol bldg for CASINO valet parking?! STUFF sits for DECADES,etc.etc.
MEANTIME REST of us…see THIS FISHBOWL and its like…n folks wunder WHY got basement dwelling dweebwhutever lookin for any which way out saying *$*@ it allllll….fling THAT into biz @box….yeahhh NO life…while got some poor welfare mommmie deal w/Little One traipsing round doin homehealthcare or whutever flinging grannies around…Hey…LEAVE A *&$*@ mess for powers that be…And they or we are….its alll fun…(?…I SHOULD rot in H for saying THAT…but HOW feel…SUSPECT others feel SAME way….)….
yeahhh..,……ALMOST pity biz crew…FIGHT over handful of whutever …wha hot today is *$*@ tomorrow…ANYONE remember Jimmy’s in the Flats…heck…FLATS itself…
FLATS…time will tell…SURE waitin for casino to rescue said…thou from condition of roads,bridges,etc.I DOUBT it…this water taxi service…MAY MAY try n recreate SOME version of watercraft ‘visitation’….SUSPECT to prevent worst ‘impression’ get rid of X,etc. WARPED way maybe one of reasons Jimmys got leveled…oook GOT tired of property tax thing to rest….maybe got too old, place got tooo remote,etc.HAD its ‘run’….SOME biz LUV monicker of partycentral….THEIR gig…X gonna go SOMEWHERE,party and do *$*@…just is..n SPARE REST of us…VALUE of ol Flats…GUESS if could SOMEHOW get UP the hill then hey….OTHER side gotta cross bridges..or SWIM….(DROWN)….
FYI…ol BUDDHA room..warehouse Dist…ST.CLAIR &W.9th…MEATMARKET…NOt like Midnite Meat Rain..Ohhh MMYyyy Whoooa…BooootieeBaaaaaaaaaaaaby…IT is alll goood..til X opens HIS face n obliged to protect honor of…LEAST NO place ON HER bod to hide a knife,etc.NOT goin THERE…..
SandyMREPLY to...WE DID..issue 6...the $,etc..aint there..OR POLITICO will...
EXPLAINS WHY CASINO,etc.THEE HOT luv khild…..NOT condoning THAT but NO public $…least not know of…VERSUS..yeah….
SandyMREPLY to...WE DID..issue 6...the $,etc..aint there..OR POLITICO will...
LOCAL NGO,securitiesfirms,etc.now can peddle x in DC or Dubai or….IN REALITY…THAT biz model busted…A REAL DISconnect…MEGA monster firms runnin round peddling X..or TRYING to…sure NOT all THAT…heck…CASH IS KING….CROWDFUNDING world…”THAT” IS OUR version of a hipchictechno world….GOOD luck TRYING TO FIGURE OUT ‘exactly’ wha OUR local techno scene IS….THAT would be a H of a crazyquilt study ANDTHEN SOME…..
ROYNANE MYTHICAL 'manmade' LAKE ERIE ISLAND as econ 'engine'......
I GOTTA goooo…LET others speaktheirspiel….got things to doooo….OBSERVATIONS….CAN tell thou wha or how folks felt bout Mz.Jane C to….SOME OF HER ex staff…woooow…THANK GOSH moved onto whutever else…THEN AGAIN created ‘value’ by being LOL….PEDDLED WHAT EXACTLY w/straightface…I GUESS Chris R SOMEHOW missed WHISKEY ISLAND and rest of it SOMEHOW…Gooood luck TRYING to goooo door to door peddling THAT message of MANMADE BIRDWATCHER ISLAND as econ engine….and wunder WHY lost….THEN again Yeahh FEARS of MEDICALMONSTER doooown THERE taking over REST OF AREA…..
ROYNANE MYTHICAL 'manmade' LAKE ERIE ISLAND as econ 'engine'......
NEXT big project…OPPORTUNITY corridor…PROBABLY 90% a go…end result? hey…GOT X goin home on 2nd/3rd shift ANYWAYS…nursies,docs,supplytrucks…least at THAT time of nite,morning…CALM..usuallly…ABLE to cover some distances…mindblowing WERE SOME OF THESE folks call home..X are married w/kid(s) n all THAT n aint gonna do Hot in C Town routine…LEAST no adobe IN town …..this semi McMansion out in Lorain or Medina county or whutever…GOT THIS deal on land,labor,etc.PEACE!!CALM….low taxes…
ROYNANE MYTHICAL 'manmade' LAKE ERIE ISLAND as econ 'engine'......
ROYANE or ROYNANE or HOWEVER spell HIS name…PUBLIC ENOUGH….MAY run again…probably prayin X history ‘disappears’….STILL HEAR bout PERK, n oTHER local “Names”…HOW often does BoyMayor,etc.pop up in articles..heck..MOTTL every sooo often…NEVER mind…THAT battle LONG over…school deseg..for THOSE new to Cleveland or..orrr…ALL “THAT”….
good,cheap 24 hr eats.....
FYI…THOSE lookin for ALL NITE eats,etc.THE EGG…DETROIT ave..west 44th or thereabouts…By MAX HAYES vo ed HS…THAT area..by SHOREWAY…NICE place…good security..cams…I THINK NO meter BS….ONE of the old hotdog shops gooone…sheet in window..hey..nice folks..TUFF go…HOOD in flux..LORAIN ave…by w.29th..STEVES still in biz…ONLY other 24 hr…cops,schoolkids,truckdrivers,etc.yeahh kinda a dive..AGAIN..nice folks…
to shift gears….TRASH INCINERATOR..trash to gas…I CAN understand CONCERN…gosh ONLY KNOWS what the blank is in…AS I read it apparently some Japanese company invented this TOTAL or near total HI temp incinerator type deal…ASSuming THEY n OTHERS THOUGHT of wha could come OUT of n all that n to avoid EXACTLY THESE kinds of fears,horrors,lawsuits,etc.DESIGNED X way….if not…would be NEAR TOTAL fools for not having DONE THAT….is it a ..xcuse the pun…’dump’ on folks…sorta…WAS FAIRLY concentrated industrial,commercial area if area I THINK it is….by the way…SNOW white donuts LONG gone…hey..THAT shop on corner…IS dense hoods nearby on DENNISON,etc. I DONT feel nearly as sorry for folkks who use crack,etc.NO or few people start out in life wanting to be part of THAT ‘lifestyle’ if want or can call it THAT but….
CAN pic WHUTEVER sayin U wanted econ development,NO higher taxes aka we gotta haul all THIS ‘stuff’ OUT to n alll THAT…
anyway…n so on…SUSPECT voter,citizen fatigue…IN A SENSE…on some stuff…and cant blame…STILL LONG SIMMERING rage of sorts out here…
DANGER ZONE HERE…mentioning FITZ! Name HERE….ol Ameritrust/ClevTRUST bldg…if IF me….dump said…seriously…I KEEP hearing,reading bout this wundrous hipchic wannabe sorta white collar noveaurichie world developing…til CAN ACTUALLY put ‘hands’ around said n SOMEHOW quantify or OOrrr…I DONT believe hype of downtown living…if single,etc.AND work downtown or semi party animal or into cultural Okkk THEN makes some sense…THAT DOES exist….WHO n HOW do THOSE #s get determined…..”THOSE” numbers could or probably are fuzzy…SHORT of a W2 or other…Im NOT THE ONLY one who thinks THAT….HOW many outfits have booked for wherever…for whutever reasons across the board…
THAT 20 story monster has been SITTING THERE for NEAR 20 yrs MT….if ANY Annnnnnnnnnnny chance of UNLoading THAT puppy….I dont know if NEWBIE COUNTY bldg ‘thing’ had ‘legs’ to said or not….IS a institutional type office bldg…..MAYBE consolidation thing had merit…thou at rate of attrition,etc.MAY be MORE of a mute issue…i dont know…WHA other *$*@8horrors gonna run into…. n TRY TRY peddling ADDED COSTS n other huha to….
Im NOT this big FITZ! supporter…OBSERVATIONS….
WOULDDumpCOUNTYownedOldAMERITRUST/CLEVELANDTRUST e.9th 20 story MT office building...
MAYBE THERE IS A GENERATIONAL thinng goin on here…im …ME..NOT 50 yet..but allll this **@*…I CAN pic some YoungGuns or Gen Y or Z or whutever castigating me for being some ol WHUTEVER ….I see,read,hear,FEEL X n AFRAID GET stuck dealing w/WHUTEVER in one shape form or another….
bob w.
Wish best to U mr.Roldo n everyone else for a Happy new Year!!