Thu 1/5 – Sat 2/18
Local supporters gather round! Cleveland Public Theatre has released its Big Box Series schedule! If you’re not familiar with the glory that is the Big Box Series, it’s when CPT hands over a theatre, staffing and advertising to area artists, fostering work and kindling creativity! All work is original and dare I say, unique. Most importantly… affordable ($15 general admission)!
THE SCHEDULE! Put this in your planner. The program itself runs January 5 – February 18th. Click the link at the bottom for more information on each performance.
Thu 1/5 – Sat 1/7:
The Dreamer – a dreamer battles unrequited love, while struggling between make-believe and reality. Various artistic expressions are used.
My Dear Boy: Gay Love Letters through the Ages – created from love letters and diary entries from prominent men throughout history. The text ranges from heartfelt, humorous, sexy and angry, and is underscored with music, movement and visual projections.
Thu 1/12 – Sat 1/14:
October in the Chair – theatrical journey with storytellers, shadows, monsters and adventures, following the mental and physical journey a young boy travels after he runs away from a neglecting family.
Thu 1/19 – Sat 21:
To the Sea… – Three actors, three inspirations, one journey. This is an original work inspired by Decroux, Lecoq, and Synge. Experience music and imagery.
1,000 Hills – the struggle of three tourists in Rwanda as genocidal violence breaks out. This work tests the characters’ morals, with the actors testing the audience’s minds.
Thu 1/26 – Sat 1/28:
The Negro Perkins – a work looking back on the late 19th Century during the small pox outbreak, following three African-Americans quarantined during the outbreak.
The Art of Social Graces – an inside look on how proper etiquette has evolved over the years, including the diminishment of personal interaction, as seen with emails, texts, Facebook and tweets.
Thu 2/2 – Sat 2/4:
The Berlioz Project: a multidisciplinary multimedia multi-venue Rock Opera – watch as a man converts depression from family and romantic relations and misfortune into creation.
Thu 2/9 – Sat 2/11:
Divorcing Batman, Dating all of Gotham City – the storyline follows the life of divorcee… a woman once married to a man who enjoyed dressing up like Batman. It is a journey of self discovery… and dating.
Jesus is Dead…and Jerry Garcia is God – It is the end of the world (possibly) and one man remains trapped in a bathroom stall. He interprets his life and its meaning, while taking note of the words left on the bathroom walls.
Thu 2/16 – 2/18:
Chaos Theory – the story of a theatre company attempting to decipher the cryptic mysteries of life, fractal geometry, and each other. A dark drama.