Conservatives Are ‘Fighting the Last War’ Against Occupiers

Conservatives Are ‘Fighting the Last War’ Against Occupiers


By Larry Durstin

While remotely controlling my life last week, I clicked my way around Cable News Land and here’s what I encountered in about 20 minutes:

Click: A leggy Fox Morning News blond sassily saying that the Occupy Wall Street crowd had to do one thing before anything else: “Shower” she yelped and wrinkled her nose while the guys flanking her smiled, Adam’s Apples’ bobbing. Later a toothsome brunette guest commentator testified that most of the Occupiers “were so high they couldn’t string a sentence together.”


Click: Emaciated conservative humorist P.J. O’Rourke asserting that the protesters’ actual leader was a set of bongo drums, then proceeding to demonstrate by playing air-bongos with his bony hands. This unfortunate performance only showed the audience that if O’Rourke would get more airtime, he would quickly replace Dennis Miller as the most loathsome conservative “funnyman” on the face of the earth.


Click: Cross-eyed, token-black GOP shill Ron Christie looking every which way while instructing the protesters to “Get a job.” He then intimated that on his recent visit to Liberty Park, he saw people engaging in open sex on the lawn, eye-balled brazen drug use, spotted filth everywhere (including an abundance of feces) and concluded that the demonstrators were both un-American and shamefully shameless.


And all around the dial there were thundering quotes from GOP presidential candidates, Fox commentators, Republican elected officials and assorted right-wing yakkers charging the Occupiers as being disgraceful, dangerous, potentially deadly and certainly capable of tearing this nation apart via class warfare. Not surprisingly, almost all of these individuals cited, with voices cracking, “the children” as being their overriding concern.


The problem with this particular strategy is that it involves utilizing the same fatal practice that has brought down many of history’s greatest generals: Fighting the last war. Labeling the protestors dirty or unpatriotic or juvenile or subversive; or of being simply a small, silly number of idle-rich college partyers not representative of the great Silent Majority; or of being a mob of commies or criminals or freaks or druggies or whatever, has been the scorched-earth tactic that has worked quite well, thank you, for the Republicans going all the way back to the ‘60s and before.


But these arguments won’t work this time for one simple reason: On the most basic level, the vast majority of Americans agree that there is a real problem with the wealth disparity in this country and that tens of millions of people are suffering because of that massive gap. Historically, most protest movements begin with a small group representing a minority position in opposition to something that’s generally popular with the majority.


In this case, however, the relatively small group of Occupiers represent a majority of the country and are railing against something (Wall Street, that’s increasingly unpopular. Which is why the tactic of trashing the protesters with the same tired dirty-hippie-commie charges that have been the Right’s go-to move in the past and may have worked against those opposing the wars in Viet Nam or Iraq can’t and won’t succeed this time. All movements end up being numbers games and, in this case, the numbers are hugely in favor of the Occupiers.


The Republicans have always cried “class warfare” when the Dems go after the super-rich because the righties believe that most people think they are going to be rolling in the dough someday and therefore – intoxicated by the prospects of their own soon-to-be opulence – would eagerly take up the banner of the put-upon rich. Even during good times, this contention seemed a bit of a stretch. However, during the current brutal economic situation, it’s kind of the understatement of a lifetime to say that not too many folks feel on the verge of becoming millionaires.

With their strident attempts to overkill the Occupiers, conservatives have come across as clueless in the face of the millions of “regular” Americans from just about every demographic group who can instantly identify with the frustration and plight of the growing numbers showing up in hundreds of cities and towns around the country.


Melville wrote that in order to discover the truth one must “strike through the mask” to find out what’s behind it. For too long America has been locked into the diversionary, “role-of-government” debate which obsesses over the “tastes great, less filling” taxes vs. spending argument that is really little more than a circular firing squad in which each side shoots at the other’s special interests in order to mask their own narrow concerns.


And that’s all well and good up to a point. But this shell game is a distraction from where the light of truth needs to be shown. Which is on the grotesque influence of money in politics, as primarily represented by the huge corporations, dominant financial institutions and obscenely rich plutocrats who are pulling the strings that have produced the chasm between the top one percent in this country and everyone else.


When the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott took place – ignited by Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat – a gear shifted in society. Something similar may be happening now. And it doesn’t matter whether or not Occupy Wall Street unfolds without a hitch; or if it sputters, splinters and stalls for awhile; or if vast numbers don’t navigate the winter on the streets; or if there is a spate of infighting, co-opting, or violence; or if right-wing infiltration and withering propaganda against it financed by billionaires goes into overdrive; or whether or not Obama officially endorses it (he would be wise to be very patient and let the positive momentum flow freely. As of now – and in the foreseeable future – neither needs to be formally tied to the other).


None of these potential stumbling blocks matter as long as there is steady, grassroots organizing and careful coalition building assembled through hundreds of smaller cells and, ideally, punctuated by occasional mass rallies – all of which will be greatly helped along by the Republicans’ whistling-past-the-graveyard vilification of the usual suspects with the usual hysterical taunts. But most of all Occupy Wall Street can’t fail because, as Victor Hugo said, “Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.”


And as far as this burgeoning movement for economic justice being class warfare, I say it’s about time.



Larry Durstin is an independent journalist who has covered politics and sports for a variety of publications and websites over the past 20 years. He was the founding editor of the Cleveland Tab and an associate editor at the Cleveland Free Times. Durstin has won 12 Ohio Excellence in Journalism awards, including six first places in six different writing categories.

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5 Responses to “Conservatives Are ‘Fighting the Last War’ Against Occupiers”

  1. I agree with the protesters on the whole, but I’m concerned that the solution is just not that easy. We want campaign finance reform and we want to take the power out of the hands of giant corporations and put it back into the hands of the people, but the reality also exists that mounting a national campaign costs money, a lot of money. If there is no way to get that money from corporations and super-rich donors, then where will it come from? Will you need to be a self-made millionaire or billionaire to run for office? How can we make our democracy work in a time where national campaigns are very expensive? How can we make sure it’s fair and functional at the same time?

    I also wonder what will happen if/when we start to fix the tax loopholes. Will the corporations stay here, or will they move to China in search of more stable markets and move their factories into developing nations while seeking cheaper labor? America might be lost in the mad rush for corporate profits at the expense of a nation.

    I think the best thing we can do is start to buy local, patronize and pump money into small businesses again. Stop buying from the corporate giants and spend our money where in places we know it will be converted into fair wages for workers and into the support of our friends and neighbors. Then, when big companies want our business back, we demand made in the USA, we demand fair trade, we demand fair wages and health insurance and if they don’t give it to us, we let them go to China and try their hand there. Maybe in that sense, we need to use the free market to let corporations know that their profit mongering and ill-treatment of workers and other various evils are just not ok. I’m not sure how that will help with the taxes, but it will help with a lot of other key issues held by the movement.

  2. Julie, the reality is that congresscritters realize that 99% is a damn hard number to beat when it comes to elections. If we, the 99% of the people who want change, can call out everyone running for federal office in 2012 and make them take a pledge to pass Public Campaign Financing (visit for an explanation) as the first order of business in the 2013 Congress — and if they don’t make such a pledge the people will find a candidate to oppose them — I think you’d see the legislation pass, but only if voting blocs like unions and urban churches get behind the Occupy Movement.

  3. Oh I think we can get these things to pass, don’t get me wrong. I just wonder if this “fair campaign” idea will really work. Or, will it limit the ability to run to the super-rich who can fund themselves? We can definitely stand up as 99% and sway the way the country is run. But, the question is, do we have the right solutions to really fix the situation? This concerns me.

  4. 3324

    There are no problems only solutions.

    Tim is correct, take control of Congress First, expose and shame those who are the minions of the rich and corporations and continue to use the vote to get enough candidates to pass the legislation in veto proof majorities in both houses. With that majority we can also clean up the courts and get rid of the Federalist Society Judges, everyone is a corporate tool.
    At the same time we have to vote with our wallet as Julie suggested.
    We have the numbers and can fight a multi-front war. Make no mistake we are at war with them, they are on us.

  5. Indy

    Yep, you people have been dealt a hand from the bottom of the deck. Trouble is you don’t recognize the dealer.

    Who was the biggest recipient of cash from Fannie Mae? Obama.

    Who paralyzed the small business job creating machine? Obama.

    Who sextupled the deficit in one year so young people will have no hope? Obama.

    Who raised college tuition higher and higher, much more rapidly, by the way, than any prices decreed by “giant corporations?” And gleefully loaded you up with debt while not telling you that only certain majors would find ready employment? The university monopoly is almost 100% in the Obama camp.

    Campaign finance reform? Buy only from small retailers instead of WalMart? Laughable. It’ll never happen. Dump Obama in 2012. That can happen and will be a positive start.

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