Cigarette butts and cigar tips are small… but, when improperly disposed of, wreck havoc on the environment. Sign a petition to promote against the littering of cigar tips/butts and to discourage their use.
Why is this important? “This is important because plastic cigar tips/butts are turning up in communities everywhere along streets, in parks, and even all over our beaches among other places. They look bad, invite more litter of other kinds, and are potentially harmful to aquatic life and water. Communities all over are left with the burden to clean up this mess of which the company is party to creating in the cycle.”
Read more: http://Change.org
2 Responses to “Sign the petition against the littering of cigar tips/butts”
Art McKoy
There you go… targeting the brothers again. Fare jumping and now this – where will it end? No justice no piece (piece of the action, that is).
What the hell are you talking about??? If ANYONE is targeting the “brothers” its the tobacco companies selling them this addiction getting filthy rich off of their imminent ill health. The indication in the article was not race related and rather, that of a a marketing demographic and the fact that such inner city populations in many places ARE in fact a target market of these companies and in such places many populations HAPPEN to be black. To deny this is insanity. Having said this, please do not turn this into a race issue and leave it as the environmental issue that it is no matter WHO is pitching these. Playing the race card buries the truth and sways focus AWAY from the real subject at hand…and hence..NOTHING gets done positive. Are you one of the many careless who pitch these and make it hell for everyone else to clean up your mess? If so, exercise some personal responsibility, because if you think you are “getting back ” at someone for doing that, you are severely mistaken and dead wrong. The act only hurts YOURSELF, man! By the way, this is not about “fare jumping” and although that is another story…. if those who are fare jumping all the time and most of the time happen to be of a certain flavor… should we fine someone else for the illegal act? Those who do this create the “target” for themselves, just as those who pitch litter.