(i)Cleveland Kicks Off a Summer of Interns

(i)Cleveland Kicks Off Summer Program at Old Arcade

(i)Cleveland kicked off their annual summer intern experience with 100 young interns and partners at The Old Arcade on Tue 6/21 with snacks, networking, a keynote and hilarious entertainment by “Browns Rules” about the awesomeness of Cleveland sports history and the subsequent pain of Cleveland sports fandom.

A program of the Cleveland Leadership Center, (i)Cleveland is a 6-session civic education program that was created to attract and retain talented undergrads in the NEO region by helping area employers enhance their internship programs by offering activities that showcase the many advantages of young professional life in our region. Hey, we can relate to that!

(i)Cleveland sessions begin Wed 6/22 and continue through July all around the region. You can stay in touch on Twitter at #iCLE.

Special Guests at the event included:
* Welcome by Marianne Crosley, President & CEO of Cleveland Leadership Center
* Keynoter Masroor Malik of Swagelok, who urged interns to take advantage of the opportunities that Cleveland has to offer
* Browns Rules (Eric Schmiedl, Bill Hoffman, Joe Milan)
* Organized by Christy Burke, Director of (i)Cleveland

Partners manning the tables at the event included Cleveland Museum of Art, Swagelok, Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization, Cleveland Young Professional Senate, Civic Commons, Hands On Northeast Ohio, Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education, Cleveland Indians, Downtown Cleveland Alliance, Positively Cleveland, Sherwin-Williams, NeWER Approaches, and CoolCleveland.com.

CoolCleveland.com is even giving away a cash award to one lucky random guest who stopped at our table at the event. Isn’t that the perfect way to top off a cool evening. Plus everyone with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad can download our new mobile app and keep instantly up to date on cool events, news and videos throughout this awesome region.

To all the interns: Have a great summer in cool Cleveland!


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