Tom Evanchuck’s Dual Album Release @ Beachland Tavern

Sat 5/21 @ 7PM

Chardon native Tom Evanchuck, who put out an EP earlier this month, has taken on the challenge of a dual album release later in May. This is an event you are cordially invited to witness Sat 5/21 at the Beachland Tavern. One is a folk album, Fadin’ Glow, and the other an electric blues album, Tom Evanchuck is Back as The Evanchucks. To get a feel for what you are about to be a part of, check out the promo video here:

And we’ll see you on the May 21st!

In a band/know a band/see a band? Email Laurie at!

Laurie Wanninger is a Cleveland convert, having lived in Pittsburgh for 20 years. After attending John Carroll University, she was sold on the city and now lives, works and breathes Cleveland. Spare time is spent DJing Music for Your Laundry List at WJCU 88.7, bicycling, going to local concerts and dreaming of microbrews and National Parks.

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