CD REVIEW: Sidetracked by The Dave Sterner Quintet

CD REVIEW: Sidetracked
The Dave Sterner Quintet

Grab a frosty beverage, some company and head out to your porch. This music is what sunny days and sunsets sound like. The Dave Sterner Quintet released their second album, Sidetracked on 4/5/2011. Your first chance to breathe in the album is Mon 5/2 at the Brothers Lounge, as part of the Tri-C JazzFest. More than just your traditional jazz music, the Dave Sterner Quintet pulls in influences from other genres, integrating blues, swing and even some funk into an album with jazz as the message, groove as the tone.

While Sidetracked puts each artist in the limelight, showcasing the unleashed talent of each member, Sterner is heard in each track letting his saxophone talent run loose. It is an intimate sound, as though you walked in on him testing his limits on the sax – an unplanned, explosive talent. Piano trickles across each song, rounding out the feel and blending easily with the bass and drums to create a tight, smooth sound. The album is ten songs long, with each track leaving at least your toes tapping. “Not Quite Yet” shows off a smoother, relaxed sound, with “Waiting” pulling listeners into a relaxed, contemplative state. The rest of the tunes leave you wanting to polish up your dance moves.

If you’re a jazz lover (or liker in the least), I’m encouraging you to check out what Cleveland has to offer.

The CD Release party is taking place on Sat 6/12 appropriately at Nighttown, but in your more immediate future is a chance to catch them as a part of Tri-C’s JazzFest at Brothers Lounge on Mon 5/2. Hear more at

In a band/know a band/see a band? Email Laurie at!


Laurie Wanninger is a Cleveland convert, having lived in Pittsburgh for 20 years. After attending John Carroll University, she was sold on the city and now lives, works and breathes Cleveland. Spare time is spent DJing Music for Your Laundry List at WJCU 88.7, bicycling, going to local concerts and dreaming of microbrews and National Parks.

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