CBC Magazine’s 4th Annual Connectors Choice Awards @ House of Blues 2-23-2011
House of Blues was the perfect venue for this rowdy crowd. CBC Magazine ‘s Connectors Choice Awards recognizes the best business connectors in Northeast Ohio, and this boisterous bunch let it be known who they thought should win with hoots and howls, uproarious laughter and enthusiastic applause. This is not what I expected from a group of seasoned professionals, but it was a welcomed surprise.
Highlights of the evening include reconnecting and catching up with business buddies and meeting new people, a swanky venue to match the unconventional attitude of the group, and hardy grub to satisfy the appetites of this ravenous bunch.
Notable winners include Best Trade Show Company Ohio Displays’ witty Ryan McKay, Best Speaker winner Katherine Miracle with her convenient last name and ultra-confident presence, and Best Corporate Event winner COSE Small Business Conference whose massive annual event has helped to put Cleveland on the small business map.
You can see all the winner here.
Carol Drummond has been a professional designer for 25 years. Prior to starting her award-winning graphic design studio 15 years ago, Drummond Design, she graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, worked at a graphic design studio, a video production company, and a consumer products company. She has been an art docent for Mayfield City Schools and currently serves on the COSE Arts Network Advisory Committee. http://www.DrummonDesign.com
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