Long Road @ Beachland Tavern

Sat 2/12 @ 7PM

Long Road makes old songs sound new (and new songs sound old) and that’s a beautiful thing. Join them for a mini-festival of Americana @ the Beachland Tavern on Sat 2/12. Featuring: Cool Cleveland‘s David Budin, Kevin Richards, Celia Lewis, Charlie Lewis, Bob Sandham, and Ray DeForest.


Supporters of Roots of American Music, a Cleveland nonprofit that uses roots music to reinforce the K-8 curriculum, will surely be here, as ROAM head honcho Kevin Richards, and fellow ROAM educators Ray DeForest and David Budin, take us into what promises to be a Saturday night mini-festival of Americana. They and their friends will surely be playing in a much more traditional fashion than the other bands we’ve got tonight. But don’t think there won’t be any energy tonight. In fact, it’s going to have the verve and vigor that only these veteran musicians can provide. They’ll be lovingly paying tribute to an immortal sound crafted so long ago, in order to kick off a night of roots music past, present, and future. This will be a seated show in the tavern so get there early to grab a chair.

Beachland Tavern – 15711 Waterloo Rd. – Cle


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