Janus Trio @ CSU

Mon 2/28 @ 8PM

The Janus Trio comes to Cleveland State University on Mon 2/28 to perform a concert of colorful and dynamic new repertoire for flute, viola and harp.

More about JT:

Brooklyn based janus was formed in 2002 with the goal of presenting and creating new repertoire for the trio through commissioning projects and works-in-process collaborations. Named after janus, the Roman god whose double-faced image peers into the past and future, the trio maintains the established tradition for the instrumentation while breaking new ground into unexplored sonic frontiers. Beginning with Debussy and including Toru Takemitsu, Harald Genzmer, André Jolivet, Sophia Gubaidulina and Kaija Saariaho, composers have been allured by this intriguing combination of something bowed, something blown and something plucked.

CSU – Drinko Hall



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