REVIEW: Leave You Forever by Cloud Nothings

Leave You Forever EP
Cloud Nothings
October 2010

Played through quality speakers, this is an EP you should listen to and one the average human being would enjoy, if not love. The “Leave You Forever” EP by Cleveland-based Cloud Nothings is personable and tangible; it is Dylan Baldi you are hearing – with real instruments, real lyrics and real sounds. This is our Cleveland music scene – what it has, what it offers, and who is a part of it.

It is absolutely a lo-fi, earthy indie pop EP. Your thing? Then I’d buy this immediately.

However, with any lo-fi, earthy indie pop recordings comes the battle of sound.

Dylan Baldi is clearly a talented musician, highlighted through his guitar riffs and the unique twang of the vocals. However, it’s these same guitar riffs that bury the vocals that are begging to be heard. There is an ongoing duel as to which gains dominance – and guitar won. Of the four songs, “Talk to Me”, the second song on the four-song EP, was able to clear the debris off the vocals and display a beguiling chorus and lyrics through which any listener could connect. Still hazy, but a glimpse at the potential of Cloud Nothings.

If I were to spin back in time, I’d identify this as a premature Wavves album – the music without the extra ribbons and glitter. Sunny day music, but not written about sunny days. Three of the four songs preach the tales of relationships, yet nothing extremely bitter, nothing extremely in love – almost the tales of ambivalence and apathy. “Talk to Me”: Can you tell me if you think we’re going to work it out? “Leave You Forever”: I could never leave you forever.

He may not duel to the death over his feelings for you, but he might take you out to dinner again.

The main thing to take away from this album is the ability of the musician behind it. My discrepancy with the album is mainly its production… the power pop beats and unaltered talent are what I will remember. A live performance would be the way to really see what Cloud Nothings has to offer, and coincidentally, they’re playing a 4PM show at the Holiday Get Down with Low in the Sky , Relaxer & Herzog at Musica in Akron on Fri 12/17, and at 8PM on Sat 12/18 at the Beachland Ballroom, plus a 5:30PM show at the Grog Shop on Thu 12/30 at the Prisoners CD Release Party with The Very Knees. CHECK IT OUT.

For more info about Cloud Nothings, check out their Facebook page here. Visit and and to purchase tix for their upcoming Fri 12/17 & Sat 12/18 shows.

Laurie Wanninger is a Cleveland convert, having lived in Pittsburgh for 20 years. After attending John Carroll University, she was sold on the city and now lives, works and breathes Cleveland. Spare time is spent DJing Music for Your Laundry List at WJCU 88.7, bicycling, going to local concerts and dreaming of microbrews and National Parks.

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