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VIDEO: Caroline Goulding
Cleveland teen debuts with Cleveland Orchestra
When we last interviewed Caroline Goulding three years ago at age 15, she was performing with Red, an Orchestra. Subsequently, she was awarded first prize by Young Concert Artists International, and as the youngest artist on their roster, will be performing in Boston, Washington, D.C. and New York City. Also in 2009, Ms. Goulding released her debut solo CD on the Cleveland-based Telarc label, which made it to the Top 15 and was nominated for a Grammy Award.
Watch the video interview with Caroline Goulding a few days before her full debut with the Cleveland Orchestra at their Thu 7/1/10 Star-Spangled Spectacular on Public Square, before an anticipated crowd of 50,000 or more. More information and video here
Finalizing your 2010/11 budgets? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
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SPONSORED: Start Your Holiday Weekend Early at the Ohio Light Opera, with the opening matinee of Iolanthe on Wed 6/30, The Count of Luxembourg matinee on Thu 7/1, and the matinee of Gypsy and evening performance of Kismet on Fri 7/2, with WCLV’s Bill Rudman offering a 6:30PM pre-concert lecture. Enjoy the best of the Lyric Theatre tradition in the intimate Freedlander Theatre; Stay over and catch more than one production! http://www.OhioLightOpera.org or call 330-263-2345

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Buy Local Week is Sat 7/3 – Sat 7/10. Make the pledge to redirect $100 of existing spending to locally-owned biz [like Presti’s, pictured]. If everyone in NEO takes the pledge, we would pump $48 mill into the local economy. Let’s do it!
Click here for more News and Biz
Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: The William N. Skirball Writers Center Stage program brings the literary world’s finest storytellers to Cleveland. On deck for 2010-11 season: Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Jeannette Walls, Dave Eggers and Pete Hamill. Q&A and book signings. Season tickets on sale now. Order before 9/1 and save. Call 216.664.6051 or visit http://www.PlayhouseSquare.org.

Frolic in fields of lavender @ DayBreak Farm, a place in Streetsboro where lavender stands as high as 4ft tall! Pick a purple bouquet for mom and chill out to the aroma of lovely lavender.
Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Interviewing the main human subjects for this article was not easy. They offered “No Comment,” but had much to share. With glassy-eyed, pleasant expressions, they gazed out over their audience quietly teaching each visitor as he passed by. Why were the human subjects being so close-mouthed? After all, they are the stars in the spotlight, these humans are on display at BODIES The Exhibition, but they are also dead and meticulously preserved.
This educational exhibit, which opened June 5, is located at Euclid Avenue and East 4th next to the House of Blues, and presents a museum quality presentation of the human body detailing nerves, blood vessels, muscles, tissue, organs and bones…
Read more from Susan Schaul here

Monitoring Monarchs Scientists have noticed changes in phenology — the timing of natural annual events — and want the full scoop behind this phenomena. On Wed 6/30, help scientists collect important data from butterflies using catch-and-release methods to help us understand our changing climate.
Click here for more events on Wed 6/30

Foodgazi A hot selection of cooking classes teaching tips you can use in small group classes: On Thu 7/1: Hangover Eats- natural hangover cures.
Click here for more events on Thu 7/1
SPONSORED: It’s Red, White and Blue on WCLV 104.9 this Fourth of July Weekend. On Thu 7/1, WCLV is live at 9PM for The Cleveland Orchestra’s annual Public Square concert. On Saturday, 7/3, at 8PM, we’re live for the July 4th Spectacular by the Blossom Festival Band conducted by Loris John Schissel. And on Sunday, 7/4, at 4PM, WCLV presents the Bi-Centennial Concert given by the Orchestra and Lorin Maazel on January 11, 1976. Full details on all of WCLV’s classical music programming at http://www.WCLV.com.

Chalk the Walk Watch as plain sidewalks transform into colorful works of art @ Chalk the Walk 2 on Fri 7/2. Be there as local artists show off their skills and make amazing drawings using the same sidewalk chalk you colored with as a kid.
Click here for more events on Fri 7/2

Larchmere Festival Where indie reigns supreme. Celebrate indie spirit at the Larchmere Festival on Sat 7/3 with an antiques fair, sidewalk sales @ the street’s mom-and-pop shops, a community flea market, wine tasting, green expo, live music + dance, and a summer installment of Bazaar Bizarre. [Photo from BazBiz vendor Suzuran Photography]
Click here for more events on Sat 7/3

Lakewood Project concert & Fireworks Catch the emotional 4th of July concert by the world’s first high school rock orchestra with strings, rock band and Viper violins & cellos, plus 20,000 of your closest friends, and stay for one of the region’s largest fireworks displays.
Click here for more events on Sun 7/4

Exploring the Small Farm Dream Wanna be a farmer? Trade in your office for a large plot of land? Spend days tilling soil and feeding chickens? Learn the ins-and-outs of small farming at the Countryside Conservancys four-session course beginning on Mon 7/5.
Click here for more events on Mon 7/5

Vanity Theft @ Grog Shop Vanity Theft is an all-woman indie band hailing from Springboro, Ohio. Theyre catchy, upbeat and taking the Midwest by storm. Their first full-length album PostScript: Pace Yourself, was named the number 1 debut local album of 08 by Dayton Daily News. Catch an earful of their artistic, engaging tunes on Tue 7/6.
Click here for more events on Tue 7/6

Hello, tall ships Welcome a fleet of magnificent old-fashioned ships as they sail into Port of Cle on Wed 7/7. The Tall Ships Festival continues through Sun 7/11; board the ships, meet the crews and learn about our lake’s maritime history. [HMS Bounty pictured.]
Click here for more events on Wed 7/7
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

It seems that every time I pay attention to Lorain, Im surprised at all they have going on.
Last year I was impressed by all the weekend partying going on at Black River Landing at the north end of Lorains downtown on the east side of the Black River.
This year Im intrigued by the idea of making my getaway to a Lake Erie island on the Jet Express from Lorain rather than driving all the way to Sandusky or Marblehead… Read more from Claudia Taller here
One of the truisms I often quote is that Ohio is really a southern state that just happens to be located in the north.
Nothing brings that point home stronger than the recent conviction of two young black college students from Cleveland down in Portage.
Both were sentenced to 15 years to life in the death of a white college kid who died after a drunken brawl….
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here
Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Review: North Coast Mens Chrous @ CSU 6/20/10 by Kelly Ferjutz
Review: Apollos Fire @ Cain Park 6/25/10 by Laura Kennelly
Review: Apollos Fire @ Cain Park 6/25/10 by Kelly Ferjutz
Music to Cleveland’s Ears: The Rise of V107.3 FM This station has made radio “alive” again with live versions of new and old songs, unpredictable music and an overall attitude of cool. I have it as my #1 preset in the car and especially love it on the weekends when you never know what you’ll hear. Local programming makes all the difference! Thanks for bringing this unique and ground-breaking station to Cleveland…
Read the letter from Ariane here
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Need a Rain Barrel? See how you can get one for free!
3) Pub food grows up Check out the new gastro lounge in Lakewood.
4) Closed Churches The LA Times looks at how the recent church closings have affected NEO.
5) Wade Oval Wednesdays started 6/16 and continue every Wednesday until 8/25.
We are dependent upon our stable of talented writers: Kelly Ferjutz, Mansfield Frazier, Laura Kennelly, Susan Schaul, Claudia Taller and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
We depend on you, so you can depend on us,
–Thomas Mulready

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