GREEN Fri 5/28 @ 6PM
Over 50 riders are expected to join the next Cleveland Critical Mass on Fri 5/28. Bring your bike, blades or board and join this int’l underground bike club. Ride for fun, ride for bike advocacy or ride out against America’s devastating oil addiction. Whatever your motives, there’s nothing better than riding around the city in a bicycle gang.
Here’s more:
On the last Friday of every month in over 100 cities around the world, cyclists congregate together to ride in demonstration and in celebration. Critical Mass has no leaders and no agenda. People come together to ride for many different reasons. To assert cyclists right to the road, to promote bikes as a fun, healthy and viable alternative to cars, to build a greater sense of community, to get more folks on bikes, or simply to celebrate bike love and ride in solidarity with other like minded individuals and have some fun!
So let’s do it, every last Friday of the month, Public Square, Bike / skateboard / roller blade whatever.
We meet at Public Square, in front of Terminal Tower, at 6 p.m., take off at 6:30 p.m.