Photo Show “Creatures in Quarantine” Captures the Current Mood

Fri 8/14 @ 6-10PM

Wed 8/19 @ 5-8PM

The art world is coming back faster than a lot of other sectors — theater and live music will probably have to wait a long time. Gallery going won’t look quite the same though — the art will still be there, but the mingling, social receptions won’t.

Doubting Thomas in Tremont opens its doors for what would normally be Walkabout Tremont with a four-hour viewing with less than 10 people at a time, in 20-minute time slots you need to sign up for in advance.

What will you if you do? New work by fine art photographer Laura D’Alessandro, one of the founders of the Cleveland Photo Fest, which would be going into its second year in the next few weeks, if not for …. Well, you know.

Laura’s show, called Creatures in Quarantine, features work she’s shot in the last five months, most of it around her own home, with imagery such as moths, feet, doors and windows, expressing psychological states and transitions.

“Creatures of all kinds have been disrupted during this pandemic—forcing some to stay indoors and yet others have become free to wander around nearly deserted open spaces, and have become brazen enough to go out into public spaces where they had not felt a freedom to explore before,” she says in her artist’s statement. “Human nature has also been pushed and stretched to new limits — our raw human instincts and survival skills as creatures have been amplified, while struggling with the underlying dream that we are all connected, even during these times.”

The show will also be open 5-8pm Wednesday August 19, which is World Photography Day, also D’Alessandro’s birthday. To sign up for a time slot to see the work email her at You can also see the work by appointment.  Masks are required!





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