Micro Theater Is Back, This Time in Tremont

Fri 11/1 & Sat 11/2

Last spring the first Micro Theater CLE event hosted 16 productions for 90 performances over two nights at the Brownhoist. Attendees at the pop-up festival got to see a variety of short (less than 15 minures) performances in a single night including short plays, dance, comedy, music and things harder to define.

Now they’re doing it again but instead of inviting people to browse a building, the performances will rake place across a neighborhood — Tremont.

There will be 22 different performances this time, taking place a Lincoln Park Pub, Civilization Coffee Shop, Eikons Studios Storefront, and private homes and “secret spaces.” Expect to see plays, spoken word poetry, a butoh dance, improvised opera, comedy, magic, jazz, an aerial dance and “improvised interactive fiber art.” Those who went to part 1 may remember Karfuffle in Parmadoro, “a musical battle between the potato countries and the tomato countries.” Part II will be one of the offerings this time.

Find out more etails about the performances and register to attend here.


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