Get Up Close and Personal With Purple Martins at Portage Lakes State Park

Sat 6/24 @ 2-4PM

One of the most intriguing birds native to Ohio is the beautiful purple martin. The largest member of the swallow family, its long wingspan enables it to perform its distinctive swoops and dives.

But it’s more than just an attractive bird. It’s an insect-eater that decreases the need for toxic pesticides. That’s why people build the distinctive multi-bird houses that most martins nest in.

Learn more about purple martins when the Portage Lakes Purple Martin Association hosts an event at Portage Lakes State Park. They’ll share information about the birds — their annual migration from Summit County to Bolivia and Brazil and back, how their numbers were brought back from decline, and their nesting and mating habits. Learn why the Portage Lakes area was officially named the Purple Martin Capital of Ohio by the state of Ohio.

Visitors can even feed the birds scrambled eggs — a favorite food — and help with data collection. There will be crafts for both adults and kids.



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